Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

@Overo Mare I've been thinking of names for you to replace "cochin queen" and so far I've come up with "Duckie Dutchess" or "Call Duck Countess". Obviously I haven't been thinking on it too long so my apologies if they're lame. You'll forever be "cochin queen" but we can add to that, right?

Edited to add: or Dutchess Duckie/Duckling
I searched for these names and didn't find others
#1 is attempting to zip! My daughter checked on her and came out and said that she was worried about #1. I came in as quickly as possible and couldn't find her beak. Then I noticed the zip like appearance to the shell and noticed a chunk pushed off. Finally noticed the zip movements. I'll be staying up to keep a close eye on her for the next bit to make sure she doesn't stall.

She is pushing so hard in attempts to get out
Updated pictures
#1 Actively Zipping

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