Preparing to set call and pekin duck eggs! Hatch day should be March 4, 2021 if all goes well!

They are all adorable! Iggy looks like quite the character! Those little webs are beyond cute! Swim Shady and Saint Riley look like sweeties too! I love blue bibs! Is Saint Riley a grey? :love

My most demanding ones always end up the most spoiled.... :oops::lau

Example: Bobbles who is beyond spoiled and still living inside at 7 weeks after all his siblings moved out long ago. :p
Bobbles deserves to be a house duck. He's beyond adorable.

Not sure what about Riley. Or Iggy, for that matter. Guess we will find out!
Y'all are cray cray with the house ducks. 🤪 No thank you. I like not having everything I own covered in dux diarrhea. 😝
I don't disagree. I'm a clean freak so I did a ton of cleaning and laundry when Butters was around. Ridiculous. He was worth it, though.
Bobbles deserves to be a house duck. He's beyond adorable.

Not sure what about Riley. Or Iggy, for that matter. Guess we will find out!
Thanks, I definitely agree. My cats on the other hand not so much... They’re still confused about why the ducklings are taking over their house... :lol:

My 30 lb Sheltie is scared of itty bitty Bobbles! Bobbles bit his nose once, and now he cowers in fear... :oops:

I am seriously considering making Bobbles a house duck (especially if he stays very small). I would definitely let him go outside for a few hours a day though. I’m worried about the others picking on him and him being an easy target for them and predators. He is definitely a special sweetie and I spend way too much time admiring him. Unlike the others, he doesn’t believe that I’m an ax-murderer:gig

In fact, he still follows me everywhere and cries when I leave him... like I said... definitely spoiled. :lol: He has had always had siblings but would rather hang out with me or the dog. :pop

It will be exciting to find out what they’ll look like! I love the mystery ones! :wee
Am I the only one that always goes into,

"I'm Swim Shady,
yes, I'm the real Shady.
All you other Swim Shady's just imitating."

every time? I love that name so much!

I'm so sorry for going off topic!!!
Just wondering if it's just me? Those are some absolutely adorable ducklings
I think it every time! I can't take credit for the name, though. That was @Chookwagn :D
Am I the only one that always goes into,

"I'm Swim Shady,
yes, I'm the real Shady.
All you other Swim Shady's just imitating."

every time? I love that name so much!

I'm so sorry for going off topic!!!
Just wondering if it's just me? Those are some absolutely adorable ducklings
Definitely not just you! :lau
@Conan ’s little duckling got that song stuck in my head and I had to go listen to it.... :p

They are adorable! Great name that @Chookwagn chose!
Thanks, I definitely agree. My cats on the other hand not so much... They’re still confused about why the ducklings are taking over their house... :lol:

My 30 lb Sheltie is scared of itty bitty Bobbles! Bobbles bit his nose once, and now he cowers in fear... :oops:

I am seriously considering making Bobbles a house duck (especially if he stays very small). I would definitely let him go outside for a few hours a day though. I’m worried about the others picking on him and him being an easy target for them and predators. He is definitely a special sweetie and I spend way too much time admiring him. Unlike the others, he doesn’t believe that I’m an ax-murderer:gig

In fact, he still follows me everywhere and cries when I leave him... like I said... definitely spoiled. :lol: He has had always had siblings but would rather hang out with me or the dog. :pop

It will be exciting to find out what they’ll look like! I love the mystery ones! :wee
We will need regular bobbles updates complete with many photos, of course.

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