President vs. Arizona

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No one should have to answer every ridiculous accusation with a sane and reasoned response. It really doesn't matter to the birthers that Obama released the standard and long forms of his birth certificate. The first one is considered a legal document in every state, for every government function. The whole college thing is just another fairy tale invented to prop up the first tall tale. They see Obama as some exotic other, with a foreign born father who practiced a scary religion.

The first news story was fake, AP did not release the story, and Occidental college was never court ordered to release transcripts.

Fact check:
To be a conservative or an Obama hater is one thing, but to continue to spout off the birther nonsense in the face of irrefutable proof is something else. Chickened, you are proving to be exactly what you took strong effort to say you were not. Very disheartening. You do not deserve any answer on this topic. Too dumb. You may as well say that he is from outer space.

Mom's are wasting your breath on this one.
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To be a conservative or an Obama hater is one thing, but to continue to spout off the birther nonsense in the face of irrefutable proof is something else. Chickened, you are proving to be exactly what you took strong effort to say you were not. Very disheartening. You do not deserve any answer on this topic. Too dumb. You may as well say that he is from outer space.

Mom's are wasting your breath on this one.

Can he prove he's not from outer space ?

MamaRoo. That will go down as one of your best replies ever. The problem is that someone will actually take them seriously and want to argue that issue also. We are going from the ridiculous to the sublime . Thanks for the laugh.
I know this will be a really tough revelation for you, but the President did release his long form birth certificate almost a year ago. Would you like another birth certificate?

It was proven that the one presented was fake. Read about it on several online news services. The fellow who created it came forward and admitted it was a fake. It was out of number sequence etc.

It's like talking to a wall and then you need to pound your head one it...

Tinfoil Haberdashery, a hat shop for the new age is offering a special this week....
i don't consider myself enough of an expert to know if his birth certificate is fake or real... my only ??? is y spend millions trying to hide it and other info??? maby he is just that Private a person and has the money to burn... or maby he thought the whole issue was worth the millions to make the Conservatives look stupid in the eyes of the liberals... or that as long as we where all talking about his birth certificate we wouldn't talk about the real damage his administration is doing...

IMHO there is much more important things we should be focusing on... ohh and just for the record i don't think Mitt Romney is going to be any better than Obama anyways...

Ohh BTW seeing as Obama is our President they might want to add his name to this websites spell check LMAO it keeps wanting to change his name to ABA....
Some of us just require a higher level of proof. From the link it seems it was a hoax and if it makes you feel better I will accept it for now. That is the problem with liars some of us just don't beleive them anymore. Thanks
To be a conservative or an Obama hater is one thing, but to continue to spout off the birther nonsense in the face of irrefutable proof is something else. Chickened, you are proving to be exactly what you took strong effort to say you were not. Very disheartening. You do not deserve any answer on this topic. Too dumb. You may as well say that he is from outer space.

Mom's are wasting your breath on this one.
Shall we now discuss how many of you voted for Obama and believed in his hopey changey? Seems you all believed a lie too. Lets see if I can get all the frustration remarks right: you wasted your vote, you still have a mortgage, unemployment is still high, the economy sucks, gas is over 4.00 gallon, gitmo is open, talk about beating heads against a wall, or too dumb to respond to or ridiculous to sublime to vote for him and his lies again.

Oh let me guess it is not his fault it is GB's fault...
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