Prettiest Egg Show! Ends 8/28/2021 ***No Prizes***

What egg tastes best?

  • Chicken

  • Turkey

  • Duck

  • Goose

  • Ostrich

  • Pea fowl

  • Pheasant

  • Emu

  • Quail

Results are only viewable after voting.
Easter Eggers eggs from this morning. I love the heavy bloom.

Same eggs.
Love them! That gray egg is so pretty!
It is actually the olive egg. The bloom made it look gray. The one that looks gray in the second picture is the green from the first pic. Different lighting made it look gray. I'm loving my eggs. Wish I knew who's laying what.
Same 3 eggs. 3 new pics.
Pic 1: olive egg started to show bloom from drying in my hand.
Pic 2: no flash
Pic 3: with flash


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Here are the awards-

Most Entry's
Most Point's
Overall Champion Eggs

Divisional Awards-

Chicken Eggs
Duck Eggs
Quail Eggs
Wild Bird Eggs
Weird Eggs
Group of Eggs

There will be top five awards posted first, unless there is only a couple entry's in each division.

After I post winners (which will be done after the contest is over) I will make list of the highest placing eggs to the lowest :( placing.

Since this is based off points that you receive (you receive them by other members 'liking' your eggs) each member can win more than one award in certain categories.

There will be no ties (for certain categories), so if there is I will post them again and have a tie breaker.

If there are any questions, please ask!
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Before this contest is over, I want to say thank you to the 21 members that participated:

@Chickens 365

Please remember that this contest is judged by the reactions your photo gets.
Like= 1 point
Love= 2 points
Wow= 3 points
A lot of the last eggs didn't get as much 'likes' as the first eggs, so I am hoping before it ends today, some of you that didn't 'like' any eggs (or not many of them) will go give those eggs/members more points. I understand that some of you are very busy right now though, and do not have time for that.

August 28th, 2021 (today where I'm at :) ) @ 3:30 PM entry's are cut, but "voting" for eggs/'liking' eggs does not stop until 8/28/2021 @ 5:00 PM. Since everybody (or some members at least) is from different parts of the world, it will end at different times for different members.

Thank you everybody that entered and everyone that didn't enter but still 'liked' eggs that they saw. 😊
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