Pretty Roosters

yup it happens and serrin i thought for sure i saw a post right after i joined of your boy griffen about how much of a cool rooster he was and that he would volentarily walk around the coop looking for threats but could have been a different person. Keep em comin guys.

Thank you! I ended up naming him Valentino
Yes, that was me. Ain't it amazing what a couple of months can do for a roosters self confidence. Or, as was the case with Griffin, OVER confidence! he really was a gorgeous boy (IMHO) and I would have given my eyeteeth to have been able to keep him. He was magnificent with the girls and they adored him too. But, I can't have a rooster around that views me as not only competition for the attentions of the girls, but (and perhaps this was even worse) as a threat to them as well.

Griffin got into the very bad habit of body slamming me every time I reached down to pet one of my big girls. It all came to a head one day when he even went so far as to slam me for reaching down and petting one of the babies. Enough was enough! I placed an add on Craig's List that morning. He was gone the very next morning.

But please don't think me totally harsh and unreasonable. I also sent two of his favorite girls with him as well!
I've heard from the lady that adopted Griffin and his two girls on a number of occasions since then. He has settled in exceptionally well with his new flock (consisting of a menagerie of ducks, chickens, geese, turkeys, quail and pheasants!
) and really seems to be much more comfortable with his new home than he was here. Go figure! I did my best to please him and make him feel loved and welcomed. Maybe I wanted him just a little too much?

Once in a great while, I still miss him. But not enough to get rid of my new boys or to bring him back!! I TOTALLY
LOVE my boys! Now let's just hope they don't turn on me some day and completely disappoint me!
pretty roos guys im liken the looks of that ameraucana he is a pretty boy and that plymouth rock looks pretty cool to. keep them comin
We had two bantam roos show up dead on subsequent days and weren't sure what got them since we found the bodies (thus unlikely to be a predator attack). All was quiet with our 13 remaining girls for a week or so until one morning when we heard a crow...

Turns out Judith and Vicky were actually Jude and Vic.

Vic in front is a SLW and Jude behind him is a Light Brahma.






Wonder how long they'll stay friends...


Just watching their girls


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