Pretty sure this is a Salmon Faverolle roo...


7 Years
Sep 12, 2012
Hey all--

I have 13 chickens of varying breeds and, apparently, varying genders. :) This one has kind of puzzled me. I know the feathering looks NOTHING like a Salmon Faverolle hen, so I'm almost 100% sure it's a roo, but he seems so fat and hen-like in every other aspect! He's extremely docile and lets all the other chickens push him around. What do you guys think? I know it's definitely a Salmon Faverolle...or at least it's supposed to be. Who knows! He was hatched Sept. 10th, so he hasn't reached maturity yet, btw.
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Yes, 100% cockerel. Salmon Favorelles can be sexed by feather color. Pullets would look like this (not my picture, taken from Google Images):

can you get a picture of the back and back of the neck? looks like a poorly colored salmon pullet wih lots of black, doesnt quite look like a rooste.


I agree. It doesnt look like that much of a rooster, and if it is, it is very poorly colored. Thats what confused me, it doesnt have even close colors to Salmon Faverolle.
That is 100% pullet. A lot of the hatcheries have some badly colored females, and that's putting it nicely!

Cockerels will have silvery hackles. Yours does not. Comb is too small also.
It's a faverolle pullet, probably from Meyer. They are currently producing extremly poorly colored pullets. It's been noted that the off-color pullets come with other defects (some mental, some physical) as well. Keep an eye on her, she may require extra care.

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