Prevention of COCCIDIOSIS and other poultry diseases in chicks~ ACV.

I wish I had known all of this sooner. Sadly we discovered a few of our Cornish cross chicks dead this morning and then saw a few more of them pooping blood. Its Sunday and the one store that was open didn't have the corid (sp?). All we could do was get medicated feed in hopes of saving the chicks that may not of caught cocci yet. We watched one die as we cleaned the brooder area of the hen house. What a terrible death. We have lost eight babies today. Very sad
Sorry for your loss. It sucks losing the babies after putting so much work into them! Corid is a brand name and contains amprolium. It's possible they may have the drug you need but under the name amprolium or another company using a name other than Corid.
We checked. Our expert chicken Guy was working today and he said they didn't have what we needed. Now we have our new Turkey poults that we just got on Friday to worry about. Their brooder is inside tho and now the thought of ever moving them outside scares me. Time to do lots of research so that I can feel confident that they will be safe when the time comes.
Been a while but im back with a question. We only lost nine chicks to cocci. The medicated feed saved 31 of them. My question is how long after stopping the medicated feed do i have to wait to butcher them? Someone told me a month but someone else said only a week so i'd like a few more opinions please and thank you :)
Been a while but im back with a question. We only lost nine chicks to cocci. The medicated feed saved 31 of them. My question is how long after stopping the medicated feed do i have to wait to butcher them? Someone told me a month but someone else said only a week so i'd like a few more opinions please and thank you :)

If they were mine for personal use, a week sounds reasonable, maybe two. If I'm not mistaken, the medicine used to combat cocci is simply a B vitamin blocker because that is the vitamin that cocci feeds off of and multiplies with. This is from info I have read, but best do your own reasearch on it. Some feeds use different medications.
Dear "Bee Kissed", I enjoy gleening knowledge in the wonderful format You present it.
However there is a Youtube link at the end of your post referring to the role Adolf Hitler
and the Nazi Party in pre-war Europe and the ignorance and apathy most young Amer-
icans seem to share. While I am living proof as a Russian Pole 3rd generation citizen,
I feel such topics have no place on this forum. Please don't misunderstand me telling
that awful story is the only way to keep history from repeating itself !! My pop bombed
Nazis for over 3 years when pilots were discharged after 25 fire missions,he flew 77...
Although I think posting here is inapropriate I do understand the need to not forget as
well over 20 million, Slavic Patriots these ancestors of me and many others were the
victims not really apreciated by honoring them in todays history books! You hear of a
Jewish Holocaust where over 6 million were exterminated but little of the genocide of
almost every race to one degree or another. Please take this link and post it where it
should be, not here where children and other clueless will see it. RR
Dear "Bee Kissed", I enjoy gleening knowledge in the wonderful format You present it.
However there is a Youtube link at the end of your post referring to the role Adolf Hitler
and the Nazi Party in pre-war Europe and the ignorance and apathy most young Amer-
icans seem to share. While I am living proof as a Russian Pole 3rd generation citizen,
I feel such topics have no place on this forum. Please don't misunderstand me telling
that awful story is the only way to keep history from repeating itself !! My pop bombed
Nazis for over 3 years when pilots were discharged after 25 fire missions,he flew 77...
Although I think posting here is inapropriate I do understand the need to not forget as
well over 20 million, Slavic Patriots these ancestors of me and many others were the
victims not really apreciated by honoring them in todays history books! You hear of a
Jewish Holocaust where over 6 million were exterminated but little of the genocide of
almost every race to one degree or another. Please take this link and post it where it
should be, not here where children and other clueless will see it. RR

Feel free to report anything you find offensive to the moderators of this forum and they will address the issue as they see fit.
I really don't feel that is the way to go here especially because there is a need to speak for those who cannot.
In fact I sat through the whole video and to put it mildly agree wholeheartedly. Just please help me understand
how you made the decision to post it here ? I chose my words as carefully as I could so as not to come across
as judgmental .It's a very upsetting subject to hear those who deny it ever happened. My son had a pal who
thought it was "cool" to don a swastika as it turned out after having a lengthy fact filled conversation with some
visual aids got him to realize what he was glorifying ! I had mistakenly thought the parents were to blame but
they were as ignorant like the boy learning the power of that symbol and how much hatred it imparts.That was
nipped in the bud and all learned from it. In fact nobody forced me to click that link, keep on following you're
heart as you have been. If a stink is made it won't be me................... Respectfully Stan P.
If my posting it here gives it exposure, if it gets passed along to just the right place, if even one child's life or one soul is saved by my being bold enough to post that link~despite the censure of folks like you~then I will feel it has been worth it. We all stand for what we are willing to stand for in this life and this is my stand. Until it is requested that I take it down by the moderation here or I feel I need to post something in its place that is more freshly relevant, it will stay.
What she said! In light of what we see going on in our world today, it's time for folks to become active. First it was the Jews, and then the not so perfect according to some warped sense of what the perfect human specimen was supposed to look and act like. Our day is coming.

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