Prize for the prettiest hen/pullet :: End Date-TBA

I am very sorry for your lose. I can relate. My first chicken, which happened to be a male Buff Orpington passed away last year in November. I knew it would be hard on me, in fact everyone in the family was worried about how I was going to handle things if and when Baby would go be with the lord. They knew it would be the worst thing ever to happen. Of course chickens weren't born mortals. LOL! My LIL man whom I called BABY, because he was MY LIL BABY. He acted just like my children did when they were babies. They age when all they can do is love you, look up to you, listen without back talk, when every time they see you their eyes light up and you know that you are the most important thing to them. At that age when you can do nothing wrong. That their love has no conditions and all they want is to be next to you. Loved by their mom. Anyways, I think you understand what I'm saying. That is what my 9 y old Buff Orpington rooster felt for me and I for him. Even my friends would say how in his eyes you could see , " He really loved me tons". I still miss him a lot and find myself still crying over him. So, I know how you feel. Ive been told I will never not be sad but in time my sadness won't be as bad as now.

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