Problem with Neighbors Dog

Thanks for everyones replies. As for the boundry lines. they did verbally dispute it and I waited a year after first telling them I was putting up a fence to give them time to prove it wrong. I even went with her to my surveyors so he could explain it to her and she still didnt believe it. I told her if she could prove his survey wrong, and this is a man who's never been proven wrong. They never did. They harrassed me all that year. Throwing rocks in my yard as well as other things that couldnt of gotten there unless thrown. I documented everything. Didnt call the cops because I felt they wouldnt be able to do anything and it would just make things worse. They moved the dog house back across where I have the fence about five feet off the line< I did that to have a buffer zone from the dog digging up rocks> and didnt say anything thinking
maybe that they would leave me alone. Worked a little bit. Its mostly the son and her daughters friends doing it.
I guess I wont feed the dog exlax. Just thought if he got the squirts they would get the hint and keep him off my property. I cant fence off the rest of the property and keep him from the barn. I would cost me an arm and a leg. I thought about putting up a privacy fence and force the dog house off also since the son tells me how ugly my fence is. My dogs do not go on thier property. They are never outside unattended in the front yard and when they are unattended, they are in the fenced in back yard. My barn cats go up there as she called and complained about one getting on her car. My solution was to trim its nails so it wouldnt scratch the car. Their dog has gotten into my trash and killed one of my escape artist chickens. Guess I'll have to talk to them again about it since the first talk didnt do any good. I'll keep you posted.



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It seems like you are trying everything you can and going about things the right way. Sometimes when you do all you can it still doesn't please others. Just seems like they are being very unreasonable
Sorry, Rammy.. but if your cats are going on her property..then you cant complain about her dog coming on your property.
First step is to contain your cats..then you have a leg to stand on.
I DO understand your frustration though..
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sorry but cats & dogs are two different things, both are a problem if allowed to run loose, if you start to take the dog to the pound, your cats might start ending up at the pound too, do you want to get them out? animal control is your best bet if you go that road, the hot wire the hight of the dog nose on your side, just mark the wire so no kids get in to it

I still like SSS
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I didnt say anything to them about the dog crapping on my lawn because of the very reason my barn cats go up there and also crap on thier lawn. However, I WOULD NOT bully them, intimidate them, harrass them because they got thier property surveyed, proved THEM wrong on where the corner actually was. I also dont deliberately weedwack down the embankment where I have iris's planted ten feet past the property line to where I USED to think the corner was. I also dont have a tree planted on the wrong side of the property line. I dont let my dogs out unattended so they DO go over into thier yard and do thier business. I also dont throw things in thier yard in attempt to ruin their lawnmower when they mow. It took alot of nerve for me to even go up there and say anything to the mother because of the harrassment.

Now I do understand its not right to take it out on the dog. I was half serious about that. The dog is actually ok except until he came down here and killed one of my chickens. All my cats have done is kill a little grass on thier lawn.

Not to mention the next door neighbor next to the dogs owners sits in his car and watches my house and reports everything I do to her. I cant even be outside checking my fence without him telling her "Hey, she was up by the fence next to the dog house last night." I mean, once I did that at like 9 pm. He's in his car. I start walking back down the hill and here his car door open and see him going into the house. Next thing I know, shes looking out her kitchen window trying to spot me. I mean really!!

Anyway, I guess I will have to talk to them again and also ask them to move dog house. My other option is to just put up a privacy fence there and force them to move it. But then, I'll start finding rocks in the back yard again. However, neighbors pool is only ten feet away..............<cough>


P.S. I apologize for the crankiness in my post.
As Redhen commented, Im just a little frustrated.
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Rammy..i would not tolerate ANY harrasment from those people at all. Call the police and set up a video camera...
Hit them where it hurts..legally.
Best wishes.
I do have the dog on video. Saved all the good ones. In fact, I have one uploaded to YouTube if you wanna watch. Its called Neighbors dog peeing in my yard by Rammy. I already have one comment<g>. Check it out.
I'd post the link but Im not sure if thats legal here or actually how to do that from YouTube.

You might start asking them to pay for the damage their dog has done or may payment for the chicken he killed and any others he may kill. I had this problem and it didn't stop until I took my neighbor to court and he had to pay.

He promptly got rid of both of his killer dogs after shelling out to me and the city.

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