Processing Day Support Group ~ HELP us through the Emotions PLEASE!

I had a small one like yours. It never really did get much larger than maybe a 10-12 week old dp, she went towards making stock. She also had the same look as the other cornish x, wide stance lack of feathering. And boy did she eat. She may not have always gotten her share of FF but she was a very good forager! She always had a full crop!

And they have wonderful personalities if given a chance at free ranging and not just sitting at the feeder. Mine ran and flew everywhere over my 2 acres and back in the neighbors field. They loved their time here. They would greet guests that came over to the house. We had to put some scratch down just so the guests could leave lol. They were as bad as the turkeys as far as the greeting of people went lol. Just normal everyday friendly chickens! My house sits a little ways off of a busy highway, and when peoples cars broke down out front, we would have to go and coral the meaties as they would go up to the people and expect food and attention lol. I loved having the cornish x, will be getting more soon, I'm thinking!

Enjoy yours, they are a lot of fun!


edited to add: I had mine processed and 13 weeks and fed FF and free ranged the whole 13 weeks

That has got to be frightening! Your car breaks down and this sea of hungry chickens comes running at you
When I got my meaties last year, I had one peanut. She held her own for a while but never caught up with the rest. She was actually getting pushed around and then literally walked on by the others. At that point it was very clear that she was going to be the first to go. I harvested her at about 9 weeks. Not much meat (about a pound and half) but what a lesson she taught me. She was the first animal I ever harvested. I learned why our family always said grace before our meals as a child.
That has got to be frightening! Your car breaks down and this sea of hungry chickens comes running at you

At a bar later that day, a pale and shaking man says: "I'm telling you, man, it was like Jurassic Park! These huge birds came running at me, and I couldn't get the car started! Finally they went after some other people, and left me alone! It took me a half an hour to stop shaking enough that I could get out and get the hose back on so that I could limp into town. I swear they must be doing genetic testing out there!"
At a bar later that day, a pale and shaking man says: "I'm telling you, man, it was like Jurassic Park! These huge birds came running at me, and I couldn't get the car started! Finally they went after some other people, and left me alone! It took me a half an hour to stop shaking enough that I could get out and get the hose back on so that I could limp into town. I swear they must be doing genetic testing out there!"

When I got my meaties last year, I had one peanut. She held her own for a while but never caught up with the rest. She was actually getting pushed around and then literally walked on by the others. At that point it was very clear that she was going to be the first to go. I harvested her at about 9 weeks. Not much meat (about a pound and half) but what a lesson she taught me. She was the first animal I ever harvested. I learned why our family always said grace before our meals as a child.
You are so right!!

I butchered a turkey yesterday-- an extra male about 9-10 months old--and I said "grace" to him when I start processing. Apparently the Native Americans say a prayer for the animals killed for food.

He made a delicious breakfast.
Wondering if the ACV effects the probotic/vits I add to waterers.

Should I do one or the other? and does fermenting have any effects on the vits?
When I got my meaties last year, I had one peanut. She held her own for a while but never caught up with the rest. She was actually getting pushed around and then literally walked on by the others. At that point it was very clear that she was going to be the first to go. I harvested her at about 9 weeks. Not much meat (about a pound and half) but what a lesson she taught me. She was the first animal I ever harvested. I learned why our family always said grace before our meals as a child.
Thanks for sharing. Good to know it happens sometimes. So far, my little one is holding it's own. I took them off heat last night, so they had no food through the night. They will be hungry this morning!

I always say a prayer and thank the bird for our meal. It definitely gives you more appreciation for the life that comes to your table. And it's certainly not wasted.

Wondering if the ACV effects the probotic/vits I add to waterers.

Should I do one or the other? and does fermenting have any effects on the vits?
I don't know. I always use them separately. I suppose your could alternate.

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