Processing Quail Pictures- WARNING Graphic!

Thank so much monarc! I processed the one the dog killed, and it was the first time I've ever done it. Your directions guided me right through it. The only difficulty I had was in removing the tail. I did a bobwhite quail. Maybe they have more of tail?
As a hunter I eat many types of fowl. Quail are by far the tastiest of all birds. My brother started raising Coturnix Quail many years ago. He started with 5 and in about six months he was over run with them. He gave me several dozen a year over the years and they are delicious.
OK Folks... I'm just re-read the original post for the umpteenth time.... but this time it's D-Day... I'm gettin' ready to do the deed! (The guy I bought my quail from had about 4 gals & 10 guys... way too many to be useful at this stage.... Sooooooo.... Wish me luck... will let you know how it turns out.

I'm including the "praying smilie" for good measure! LOL!

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Thanks for the well-wishes! It was really pretty easy considering the last time I "processed" (love that term... great euphemism!) anything was about 11 years ago and a rabbit that I'd snared. My 9yr old daughter - surprise surprise - looked on and was right there during the whole time. There are now 6 fewer man-quails on the planet and we shall make a feast (albeit a meager one) on Thursday!

In fact, it went so well, that while we were at it... we culled one of our 6 hens as well. She was a lazy one and though here sisters have been laying since August... she never has. What's more, she began being really aggressive and pecking the proverbial "hand that fed her"! The nerve!

THAT was a bit more of a chore, but she's marinating right now and will be part of a memorial dinner in her own honour tomorrow!

A couple of questions re anatomy:
- I assume the biggest "innerd" ... deep purple-ish thing just at the bottom of the rib cage & the first to be seen is the heart. Correct?
- There are 2 little white "beans" in most of them (didn't remember noticing them in all). Are these kidneys? part of the male quail anatomy?
- Inside one of the six was what looked like a tiny but numerous bunch of eggs (about the size of what I imagine caviar to look like)... had the bird been alive & standing, they would've been up under the back bone... and about 1/2 way into the cavity. Were they in fact eggs?

- Which leads me to a question about the colouring of the Golden Speckeld Coturnix...
With the brown ones, it's easy to distinguish the females because of the numerous & very obvious spots. Is the "spotting" as evident in the Goldens? We thought they were all guys, but one male strutted around a few more (so we spared them... we figure... SURELY the male-quail isn't gonna make that mistake!

All for now! Thanks monarc for the great instructions. You've helped a city-boy get back to the primeval desire to kill something (besides underperforming office equipment!

Glad it went well and hope you enjoy!!! Yes, those white "beans" were the ahem...male anatomy and Tori's right - they are impressive for such a small bird! I was certainly shocked. I'm always amazed at nature to see all of the eggs in various stages. Post pics of your splendid feast!
Just a quick follow-up...

The quail was great! We had it with some African friends in Montreal, QC & it was YUMmy! Thanks BYC gang for a great feast... looking for more to come!

Also... first quail egg tonight! Yoo-Hoo!!
(next step in the path to further addiction..... research incubators!!


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