PROFESSIONALLY Photograph your chicks for under $2.00!

OK...I am SOOOO going to try this new 'trick of the trade' out!!! I even have two little ones to try this with!!! I know who's going to be having fun the next few days/eveninings and this weekend!!!!

Thanks SOOO much for these helpful hints and the photos! The photos really help show the whole set up and system!!!

(And people thought I was the crazy cat lady with some chickens....just WAIT until they see my house decorated with all kinds of shadow/light box chicken photos too!!!)
1 or 2 day old chicks are easiest, as they tend to stand in one spot and usually fall asleep. Older chicks, you just have to kinda chase them around the box. After repeatedly moving them, or putting them in a certain spot, sometimes they'll start to stand there for a second or two.

Which brings me to another point. Most dSLR and 'point & shoot' cameras these days have an auto-focus feature that is operated by pushing the shutter release button half way down. One of the keys to taking good photographs is knowing where to focus, and 'locking' the focus on a certain point. If you can learn how to do this properly, you'll end up saving yourself a second or so before the shutter opens, thus providing sharp, in focus photos before the chicks takes off.
I shot this one on a black piece of paper on top of our washing machine. I used two small camera flashes triggered with wireless remotes(available on eBay). One flash is to the left of the camera and is bounced out of an umbrella, the other is behind and to the right of little Chirpy and has a plastic diffuser on it.
As far as the light boxes go, they are great for nice even lighting. You can get a popup light tent on eBay dirt cheap that will let you light all around and so-on, but you can get better results with lighting that shows texture rather than diffused lighting.
This is easy for me and you who know what we're doing, but not easily understandable for someone with just a point
& shoot and no knowledge of photography.

Great shot BTW! Are you a Canon or a Nikon?
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This is easy for me and you who know what we're doing, but not easily understandable for someone with just a point
& shoot and no knowledge of photography.

Great shot BTW! Are you a Canon or a Nikon?

OMG are you back!!! How are things!!!!!! Missed you here at BYC!!!!
I shoot Nikon, but consider both a means to an end and don't consider one better than the other. The photos of my new little guy were shot with a D300.

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