PROFESSIONALLY Photograph your chicks for under $2.00!

That's what they say, but I don't know. I shoot everything raw and send them in the right color space, I have no complaints. I do like the nikon ttl remote flash though.

What kind of shooting do you do? I have a public relations job, which is a good mix with my background in commercial and photojournalism. About to be up to my knees in college basketball.
WOW! Those are AMAZING!!! Im going outside right now to go spray paint!!!
That's what they say, but I don't know. I shoot everything raw and send them in the right color space, I have no complaints. I do like the nikon ttl remote flash though.

How do you store your RAW images?
I used to do some film photography, and I recently decided to get more into digital photography beyond my point and shoot. I have a Canon 50D but I'm still shooting in JPEG... the computer editing part of it is a huge learning curve for me!

I own a pet sitting business and hope to add pet photography to my services...Can't wait to get some chicks to practice on!

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