A few days ago I woke up to my 2 dogs chasing a hen that had strayed into their fence. They are usually very good with the chickens, but I was late to feeding them and I guess they got bored. They still have the patience of puppies.
Well, anyways. The hen was fine. I took her back out to the rest of the flock, and on my way, passed another hen in the dog yard. She was running along the fence line, trying to get out. Each time her head bobbed, the feathers on the back of her nest parted, revealing a great big gash. Great.
So, after beating my dogs senseless in my head, then opting for more training instead, I set to cleaning her wound. She seems to be mending well. I super glued the wound back together to help it heal, but part came unglued and started showing signs of infection, so I left in unglued. I'm washing it daily with iodine (which will slack in a day or two. I was doing that for infection) and covering it in neosporin. I've added a TON of garlic to her diet. It is a great natural antibiotic. She's had so much that her poop and even her skin smells like garlic, and the little signs of infection are all but gone.
This is my girl.
I think she's a Barred Rock x Buff Cochin mix

I'll update on her progress regularly, if anyone feels like following.

This is my girl.

I'll update on her progress regularly, if anyone feels like following.