Progress of my new patient


8 Years
Jan 18, 2012
A few days ago I woke up to my 2 dogs chasing a hen that had strayed into their fence. They are usually very good with the chickens, but I was late to feeding them and I guess they got bored. They still have the patience of puppies.
Well, anyways. The hen was fine. I took her back out to the rest of the flock, and on my way, passed another hen in the dog yard. She was running along the fence line, trying to get out. Each time her head bobbed, the feathers on the back of her nest parted, revealing a great big gash. Great.
So, after beating my dogs senseless in my head, then opting for more training instead, I set to cleaning her wound. She seems to be mending well. I super glued the wound back together to help it heal, but part came unglued and started showing signs of infection, so I left in unglued. I'm washing it daily with iodine (which will slack in a day or two. I was doing that for infection) and covering it in neosporin. I've added a TON of garlic to her diet. It is a great natural antibiotic. She's had so much that her poop and even her skin smells like garlic, and the little signs of infection are all but gone.
This is my girl. :) I think she's a Barred Rock x Buff Cochin mix

I'll update on her progress regularly, if anyone feels like following.
A few days ago I woke up to my 2 dogs chasing a hen that had strayed into their fence. They are usually very good with the chickens, but I was late to feeding them and I guess they got bored. They still have the patience of puppies.
Well, anyways. The hen was fine. I took her back out to the rest of the flock, and on my way, passed another hen in the dog yard. She was running along the fence line, trying to get out. Each time her head bobbed, the feathers on the back of her nest parted, revealing a great big gash. Great.
So, after beating my dogs senseless in my head, then opting for more training instead, I set to cleaning her wound. She seems to be mending well. I super glued the wound back together to help it heal, but part came unglued and started showing signs of infection, so I left in unglued. I'm washing it daily with iodine (which will slack in a day or two. I was doing that for infection) and covering it in neosporin. I've added a TON of garlic to her diet. It is a great natural antibiotic. She's had so much that her poop and even her skin smells like garlic, and the little signs of infection are all but gone.
This is my girl. :) I think she's a Barred Rock x Buff Cochin mix

I'll update on her progress regularly, if anyone feels like following.

HHMMM, If I had a chicken that smelled like garlic I would maybe have to make chicken dinner.
. But seriously, good job on the treatment. I had a hen that got a 3" gash in her side from mating. That was fun treating. She still has a saddle on a month later. Skin is all healed and just starting to get pin feathers to poke through. Probably another month in the saddle.
A few days ago I woke up to my 2 dogs chasing a hen that had strayed into their fence. They are usually very good with the chickens, but I was late to feeding them and I guess they got bored. They still have the patience of puppies.
Well, anyways. The hen was fine. I took her back out to the rest of the flock, and on my way, passed another hen in the dog yard. She was running along the fence line, trying to get out. Each time her head bobbed, the feathers on the back of her nest parted, revealing a great big gash. Great.
So, after beating my dogs senseless in my head, then opting for more training instead, I set to cleaning her wound. She seems to be mending well. I super glued the wound back together to help it heal, but part came unglued and started showing signs of infection, so I left in unglued. I'm washing it daily with iodine (which will slack in a day or two. I was doing that for infection) and covering it in neosporin. I've added a TON of garlic to her diet. It is a great natural antibiotic. She's had so much that her poop and even her skin smells like garlic, and the little signs of infection are all but gone.
This is my girl. :) I think she's a Barred Rock x Buff Cochin mix

I'll update on her progress regularly, if anyone feels like following.
That is sooooooo me! I have pounded the family dogs for killing chickens! None of our dogs get any slack! Even if my parents do protest. There is no way that any dog gets away with harming a chicken! I am following this thread!
HHMMM, If I had a chicken that smelled like garlic I would maybe have to make chicken dinner.
. But seriously, good job on the treatment. I had a hen that got a 3" gash in her side from mating. That was fun treating. She still has a saddle on a month later. Skin is all healed and just starting to get pin feathers to poke through. Probably another month in the saddle.
Ouchies! I have a RIR hen in with my Mama hen and babies (separated from the flock) because she was the roosters favorite hen and she was starting to go naked! I tried a saddle, but the roster started using her wing feathers to grab on to and pulling those out! Ya just can't win sometimes. So, she's separated until her feathers are back in, and they are growing nicely. :)
That is sooooooo me! I have pounded the family dogs for killing chickens! None of our dogs get any slack! Even if my parents do protest. There is no way that any dog gets away with harming a chicken! I am following this thread!
Oh, I was soooo mad! They NEVER do that! I don't know what got into them. They haven't done it again. I let them out with the chickens when I'm feeding, gathering eggs, etc. and they just run around, dig up mole hole, bark at neighbor dogs, steal rotten stuff from the compost, but never, ever mess with the chickens.
I got shock collars to teach them to the flock alone. My first dog, Maggie, I got as a little puppy, and she was taught from the very start not to mess with them. She has done amazingly. But Toby I got recently, as an adult. He's been more challenging to teach. I figured at some point, after watching Toby have so much fun chasing chickens, Maggie would join in and that seems to be what happened. She got an earful and knew even before I looked at her she was in deep trouble. She saw me pick up the hen and went straight to her kennel (which she guards with her life and considers her doghouse) to hide. She wouldn't even come up to the coop with me after that for a bit. They are learning.
That is good. I like dogs. Before we got chickens, dogs were my favorite animal, my world, my life, but after we got chickens, any dog that even comes near my chickens in a threatening manner gets a yelling at. I don't only keep our dogs away from the chooks, I keep the neighbor's dogs away, too. With anything around, or my bare hands!
That is good. I like dogs. Before we got chickens, dogs were my favorite animal, my world, my life, but after we got chickens, any dog that even comes near my chickens in a threatening manner gets a yelling at. I don't only keep our dogs away from the chooks, I keep the neighbor's dogs away, too. With anything around, or my bare hands!
Or a 22, in our case.
We've been 'round and 'round with some of the neighborhood dog owners since their dogs came and killed a lot of my chickens in August. We keep a gun at the ready now.
I keep a B.B gun ready. That is the only thing I am allowed to use. I will be using it. I have already almost used it on a feral cat prowling our chickens. Thank you for the comment about my name. :)

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