Prolapse , please any advice


6 Years
Aug 24, 2017
My soon to be 3 year old Indian Runner duck ‘ Presley’ developed a prolapse last week . I took her to the vet who asked to see her and she had an injection to clear her insides out ( Oxy something it was called ) and they pushed the prolapse back in . The stress of the drive and visit nearly finished her off . She was in an awful state . She has laid a small egg for the last 3 mornings and each morning I’ve checked her rear . This morning all looked fine but a few hours later I noticed her in her swimming pool with her tail bolt upright and once again she has a prolapse ! Being a Bank Holiday in the UK and in Wales we’re still on lock down there’s no chance of a vet visit so I did my own research , gave her lovely warm pools and separated her from her mate . I then managed to catch her and push the protruding prolapse back in and massaged some honey around the area . It looks like it’s stayed put so far but my question is what to do next . I’ve put her in her pen area rather than her free ranging around our big gardens and have taken the pen duck pool out as I think the honey won’t work if she’s going in and out of water . I was going to leave her and her mate in their pen area as they miss each other so much when apart ( they have buckets of water grass and some foraging area) for a few hours quiet and then was wondering if I should let her have another warm soak , or not ? Is there an injection she can have to stop her laying as she’s much more of a cherished pet than anything else . I just feel the next egg will push the vent out again and it’s such a worry as she’s such a special little character . Any advice would be very much appreciated .
Keep her and her mate separated but where they can still see each other you don’t want her mating right now. Keep her quiet and they say in a darkened room or coop where she hasn’t light because light is what triggers egg laying. A large dog kennel would work. That way you could keep her mate in with her but she wouldn’t be able to mate with him. As for stopping the laying there is an implant that can be given.
Keep her and her mate separated but where they can still see each other you don’t want her mating right now. Keep her quiet and they say in a darkened room or coop where she hasn’t light because light is what triggers egg laying. A large dog kennel would work. That way you could keep her mate in with her but she wouldn’t be able to mate with him. As for stopping the laying there is an implant that can be given.
Thanks ,
I’ve just been and had a peep around the corner so they can’t see me ( they come running to say hello the minute they see me) and they’re both fast asleep , I’ll keep an eye out and separate them when they stir . I haven’t got a dog kennel unfortunately only the small duck hut but it’s baking hot in there today , I also read to leave her in the dark for a few days . I’m trying to figure out how to do it without stressing them both out too much ! Do you think not letting her bathe is advisable as she does love to keep herself clean , and she’s been having warm soaks for an age this morning before I caught her ? It’s knowing the right thing to do really as I don’t want to make things worse for her ! I will definitely enquire about an implant in the morning !
I’m not sure if this will help you but one of my chicks had a prolapse. I bathed her in Epsom salts several times a day then repeatedly applied preparation H ointment on her vent. I was told that keeps her vent moist and might help with swelling. You could also try olive oil or coconut oil as others suggested. The prepH works but it took several days. I also sprayed antibacterial spray before prepH to stop potential infection irritation.

Good luck and keep trying!
Thanks , couldn’t be a worse time as everything is shut for the Bank Holiday and limited places open in general due to the lock down , I’ve no Epsom salts and not sure if Preperation H is a UK ointment , might have to Google it , and no suitable spray , I’ve got Savlon cream which is an antiseptic cream , but not sure if I should use it on a duck ! After reading loads on line I went with honey as I actually had it . So much info out there it’s a job to know what’s best . I have got olive oil though so I’ll see how she’s looking after a bath . Didn’t think my Bank Holiday would pan out with me attending to Presley’s rear , that’s for sure , but we do anything for them don’t we !

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