Prolapsed Drake Penis, I think (pics)

I'd recommend a good cleaning daily, or twice daily, a mild soap. It looks like a twisted testicular sack. However, the intestines are right there too. If you are able to get the sack to reduce it's swelling it may go back on it's own.
Welcome to BYC! The testicles of a duck are well up in the body cavity next to the kidneys, and that sack is attached to the penis. I guess all I am trying to say is that it's not the intestines nor is it a testicle. :D
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Casportpony you're right!! I did some more research and found what it's most likely to be is the base of the penis (Muscular base of the phallus) I found this anatomical website which shows in bigger detail. From what I was seeing, i was looking up live dissections not diagrams and it all looks pretty close in a dissection.

But honestly, being the muscular base is SO much more uplifting news than something dire like a kidney.

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