Prolapsed Hen... with dead tissue


10 Years
Jul 31, 2009
Central NY
I have a prolapsed hen with some dead or damaged skin. I have pushed it back it and held it for a minute or 2 then put her back in a dark carrier/crate. I used a herbal salve based in olive oil that is great for hemorrhoids and healing. She prolapses again within minutes... Any ideas how to get it to stay in so she can heal? I have her inside the house since its cold here. There was no pecking from the other hens prior. I happened to notice it yesterday but it seems like it happened about a week ago. Is it too late to fix? I can post pics... I can't seem to get all the poop off either almost like it scabbed on. I soaked her (which she hated and stressed about) wrapped her in a towel picked all the poop off and trimmed the feathers... Don't know what else to do.

My dh wants me to get rid of all the chickens cause it seems like we have problem after problem...

Thanks for any and all suggestions!
If you want to save her she needs to go to a vet. If you are using hemorrhoid cream and she just keeps prolapsing back, it sounds like she needs some more serious intervention (stitches). If you can't do that I would cull her ASAP. Sorry.
I don't know of any avian vets around here maybe I can call around and see how much it costs and see if I can find someone...
Its $40 just to look at her... Do you think she keeps prolasping because of the blackened tissue?
$40 would just be the start, and it might just be $40 to have the vet tell you that it might be best to put her down.

Black tissue I think is more the result of the prolaps than it is the cause. Tissue that should be kept moist inside the bird when outside will crust up and die with the potential for infection.

If you are thinking $40 is steep to look at the chicken and you have done quite alot to try to treat yourself already, it may be best to think on culling as the total cost of vet treatment will be much more than $40 and longterm outcome likely uncertain.

I have worked on her for 3-4 days but within in minutes of pushing it all in its back out and covered with poop again. Its starting to smell I have only had her a month bought her from a friend for $5 she is less than a year. So to me $40 just to check her out is too steep...

I hate to have to cull her though. Something I am not very proficient at...

If it is starting to smell that is a sign of infection and given no vet care I am feeling it will be best to avoid prolonged suffering. At this point and by what you have posted I would suspect a vet would give much the same answer.

I know this is different chicken math, but to me it makes sense. Take the $40 you would save to just talk to the vet, write off the $5 initial investment and at $5 a chicken keeping this ill one even before treatment costs is like 7 new chickens.

Sorry, having to deal with sick ones is tough...

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