pronouncing mille fleur d' butchering it.

I've seen Mr. Feldman in many films, funny, funny man. Possibly it's an age thing.

I do the same thing...sort of lower myself to the level of other Americans...but which way is "correct"?

But see, that's the thing. It's all relevant. I'm not so sure there is a "correct" when we're not saying Marans as a French word. We've anglicized it. It's done.
I have heard it said, more often than not, that the "correct" way is Marans like Karens. Which couldn't be further from the French pronunciation. But, like I said, we're not French.

Oh, and I totally pronounce Wyandotte as why-en-dote.
And that's just my own ignorance. Never gave it a second thought that it would be pronounced any other way, 'till someone told me it wasn't. And if I look at it phonetically, my way makes no sense, and "why-en-dot" is obvious. But I still say it with a "dote" on the end. Old habits are hard to break.

As for mille fleur d'uccle, recently at a show someone who was very involved with the breed--a regional director or former officer of the club, something like that--told a friend and I that it was pronounced dee-uncle. Which makes no sense whatsoever, whether you're pronouncing that word in its language of origin or phonetically as an english-speaking American. But that's what he said, and he was someone who should know--or at least, he wasn't someone that I, not knowing the breed, would say was incorrect. But that's what I mean when I talk about the pronunciation of Marans. It's all relevant. As long as we all know what bird we're talking about at any given moment, I'm not gonna give too much thought to who is "correct."
Hear, HEAR!!!

Yup, and like Opa says, you can always point and say, "That speckledy one over there," or whatever description fits the occasion.
Did you mean to say that it's all "relative"?

So I had some really great Yo-Plate yogurt this morning.

Yes. Yes I did mean to say relative.

What makes that a whole lot funnier (just to make it more embarrassing) is that I'm an editor. I proofread other people's writing for a living. So you would think I wouldn't make dumb mistakes like that (and twice, for that matter
). I'll blame it on the fact that I was exhausted.

Who proofreads their forum posts, anyway?

Then you'll prolly enjoyMuphry's Law
if you're not already familiar.


Oh yeah.
Let's just say that, in the political circles I travel in, "cornish pasties" is a phrase that has taken on a life (and new meaning) of its own.

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