pronouncing mille fleur d' butchering it.

That's so interesting.............the translator that I was using gave a different pronunciation, of course it gave different pronunciations depending on the language it was being spoken in. I think if you put it in the "French" translator, it would give you one way, then if you put it in the English translator it would pronounce it another. Very interesting, and confusing.
Maybe it's "When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Only to uncultured Americans.

sorry, but it is still Marans, and it is pronounced Marans

If you're pronouncing Marans the way a French-speaking person would pronounce Marans, the "s" is silent. It is pronounced almost exactly the way the French word marron would be pronounced--Muh RON. A former employer of mine is French. I wrote the word "Marans" on a piece of paper, handed it to him, and asked "how do you pronounce this?" This is how it is pronounced in France. Funny, as soon as he saw it, he got very excited--he said, "Marans!! That's a town in the western part of France, and they have the best chicken there!"
He's a chef.

Of course, most of us here in the U.S. don't go around speaking like native French person.
I speak some French, and I can pronounce Marans correctly, but I don't say it that way when I'm talking about them. I usually pronounce it mah-RANS. With the "s." It's just my anglicized version (mangling) of the correct pronunciation.
After reading all the preceding posts I'm still sticking with "that speckledy lookin' one", and rather than deal with the maran vs marans thing I'll just get welsummers.
Or you could opt for "wine dots" or "barrel rocks"?

...........Wine dots......I DO love 'em and so many choices.......................
Dread Pirate, ease up, come on down and don't be so prickly. It's just a matter of speach. I think we all know what we're talking about and as Opa said, call 'em speckledy or whatever and if all else fails we can point. I'm sure you weren't serious when you called me uncultured.
Then again maybe you were.

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