Proper Terminology - Culling

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Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

Typically I let these irritations fall off my back, but I can no longer let the incorrect of of CULLING on BYC go on without a correction.


LOL, the use of culling to indicate a bird being selected for kill doesn't bother me. What I did find amusing is highlighted above. Guess there's no spell check or grammer check on here, eh?

Honestly, I'm not trying to be "snarky" here, I just found it amusing!​
LOL, the use of culling to indicate a bird being selected for kill doesn't bother me. What I did find amusing is highlighted above. Guess there's no spell check or grammer check on here, eh?

Honestly, I'm not trying to be "snarky" here, I just found it amusing!

Now that's funny!
Incorrect word usage always bugs me, but I try hard to disregard it. Otherwise I'd drive everybody crazy and I'd soon be getting death threats if I corrected one more word.

Waddle in place of wattle.
Were in place of where, or the other way around.
(Think, "Where were you the night of ....")
There, their, and they're.
And used in place of an. (It's "I ate an apple", not "I ate and apple.")
And so on.
I hate to tell you Jim, but I fear it's a lost cause.

I think for me, cull is particularly annoying when used in place of butcher, slaughter, harvest, or even just plain kill, because I think a lot of folks use it because it makes it easier to not to think about the hard fact that they are talking about really killing something.

Maybe my ideas on facing reality are too harsh for some people. I try to cut some slack, most people are doing the best they can. Who am I to criticize. If saying cull lets them be more comfortable, so be it. At least they're raising their own meat.

But my inner English teacher (I think that's my grandmother) winces, right along with you!
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Quite frankly, the English language has never really conformed to any standards set for it, and I'm thankful for that. To quote a friend:

I own a 1939 Webster... Read More’s Dictionary that has fifteen pages of “new words” and their definitions. There they feature that brand new verb INTRIGUE, meaning to perplex or to beguile. Formerly intrigue was only a noun, but now we can be intrigued by that brand new movie THE WIZARD OF OZ. We also love that delightful new noun SLACKER, defined as “one who avoids exertion or neglects duty or responsibility.”

I can imagine people in those days complaining . . . "Quit using "intrigue" incorrectly, it's annoying!"
I'll bet they roll over in their graves every time someone is "intrigued."
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

As an Animal Scientist I sometimes become irritated by people using incorrect terms for aspects of livetock production. Typically I let these irritations fall off my back, but I can no longer let the incorrect of of CULLING on BYC go on without a correction.

Culling is the act of removing an unwanted, sick or injured, or poor performing animal from a herd or flock. These can simply be sick animals, spent hens, downer cows, or a myriad other malidys that can occur on a farm.

When an animal is acceptable and ready for meat it is harvested, slaughtered, butchered, etc. but NOT culled.

I know this is a minor issue, but we should use the correct terminology when we talk about our production practices and flocks.


By your own definition:

Culling is the act of removing an unwanted, sick or injured, or poor performing animal from a herd or flock. These can simply be sick animals, spent hens, downer cows, or a myriad other malidys that can occur on a farm.

Unwanted says it all. It is unwanted, either by choice or necessity, as a pet or breeder or layer or unwanted in your is culled. The process not the act itself can fall under the definition of butcher, slaughter, etcetera etcetera.

I admit to being quite quilty of typos and especially improper grammar here because I am here for my pleasure and enjoyment, as well as, information. I am not here for my career, job, work, etc. etc. I also respond to so many posts and do not always check the grammar; say it short n sweet.
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I can just see Sister B...,my 4th grade teacher ( a very portly nun) sitting at her desk and hitting her ruler onto it at every incorrect word that she heard during class. Everyone jumped. After a few days of this , there was fewer and fewer slip ups. We can all thank your present day teachers for not enforcing discipline thereby loosing respect of their students and then their ability to teach.
Lazy J Farms Feed & Hay :

As an Animal Scientist I sometimes become irritated by people using incorrect terms for aspects of livetock production. Typically I let these irritations fall off my back, but I can no longer let the incorrect of of CULLING on BYC go on without a correction.

Culling is the act of removing an unwanted, sick or injured, or poor performing animal from a herd or flock. These can simply be sick animals, spent hens, downer cows, or a myriad other malidys that can occur on a farm.

When an animal is acceptable and ready for meat it is harvested, slaughtered, butchered, etc. but NOT culled.

I know this is a minor issue, but we should use the correct terminology when we talk about our production practices and flocks.


While I agree with Lazy J regarding the usage of the word "cull" as related to animal husbandry, I just have to say that if one wants to be picky about word usage, spelling should be an important consideration as well.
Maladies is the correct spelling.

I also agree with many others who come here for information and fun, not lessons. I live in a glass house as far as typing is concerned, and don't like to cast stones.

We are all possessed of different talents and that's what keeps it interesting!
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Do you mean there were fewer and fewer slip ups? BR, you make huge numbers of spelling and grammatical errors, and you do it so consistently, (while calling other people ignorant) that I know it's not just typos. Everybody makes typos. So who do you blame for your poor use of the language?

BTW, these days, if a teacher does enforce discipline, they may very well be sued or fired for it.

I do wince at incorrect spelling and grammar, but mine's not perfect, either. I'm saying that there's very little point in nagging people about it on this, or any other forum, unless it's one devoted to proper use of the language.

I'm guilty of occasionally pointing out an error. Maybe I shouldn't do that. Maybe some folks are glad find out what the right word is, sometimes. Maybe they're not. I'll probably pont one out now and then, but I try really hard not to get carried away with it.
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Do you mean there were fewer and fewer slip ups? BR, you make huge numbers of spelling and grammatical errors, and you do it so consistently, (while calling other people ignorant) that I know it's not just typos. Everybody makes typos. So who do you blame for your poor use of the language?

BTW, these days, if a teacher does enforce discipline, they may very well be sued or fired for it.

I do wince at incorrect spelling and grammar, but mine's not perfect, either. I'm saying that there's very little point in nagging people about it on this, or any other forum, unless it's one devoted to proper use of the language.

I'm guilty of occasionally pointing out an error. Maybe I shouldn't do that. Maybe some folks are glad find out what the right word is, sometimes. Maybe they're not. I'll probably pont one out now and then, but I try really hard not to get carried away with it.

"pont" one out??? what does that mean?

this is all in fun, I hope.. now I am so nervous, I can hardly type..

we went through all of this a few weeks ago.. it makes for fun reading.. nothing else will come of it..

I totally agree with Jim..

read the obit 's in the paper.. Nobody dies anymore.. they went to meet their maker, passed on, succomed to a long illness.. etc etc

Oh yes, my favotite.. Local man dies in auto crash.. does this mean he does it over and over?

how about "died" or is that too final??
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