Property advice, looking at land near a small (?) chicken farm


6 Years
May 11, 2018
Rockingham, NC
So my husband and I are in the process of selling our current house with plans to move somewhere else after the sale is final. We were looking for land or land with a home on it.. state didn't seem to matter as we're in NC at the moment and everything is so high here that anywhere else looks more promising.
We have a list of plots that we are looking into but the one I like the most .. we just noticed was right across the way from a few large coops. They look newer and I grew up in the country so the smell isn't an issue to me.. it would bother my husband though.
How bad do you think the smell would be? I got conflicting answers when researching online. One said it would likely only be really bad on the days they cleaned things out if they were keeping the coops up to code and vented properly.

I just don't want to get locked into this and have buyers remorse.. haha.. we'd be moving a fair bit away from all our family if we go with this plot.
Property lines
chicken coops (the 'dot' is where the house is located, 11 acre property)
If you have the chance, I would wait until a nice warm day and drive by with the windows down to get an idea of what it's like on any given day.
It will really depend on how the owners take care of their chickens, and possibly the type of feed they give them. Most smells aren't bad as long as the temperature is down. It'll be during the hot temps where the smell is the worst it could get.
If you have the chance, I would wait until a nice warm day and drive by with the windows down to get an idea of what it's like on any given day.
It will really depend on how the owners take care of their chickens, and possibly the type of feed they give them. Most smells aren't bad as long as the temperature is down. It'll be during the hot temps where the smell is the worst it could get.
Sadly that'd be a long drive for just a test haha. I'm all the way in NC and this is out in OK. I know the houses out in MD where I lived had a bit of a smell but they were older and a little run down to be honest.
I hate that I may have to pass this up when the house on it is nice and 11 acres isn't anything to just scoff at.
I have an idea about Oklahoma weather. My experiences : I lived across from a man who had maybe 20 chickens and during the hot humid days it stunk and we had to live with an awful smell when the wind blew in our direction. I doubt he cleaned the yard. We also traveled to a vacation cabin frequently and drove by a place which had a large building for chickens. They spread the waste on their acreage. The place might be 40 acres. Whenever we traveled, the smell was present a good distance from the facility. Depending on the weather, it could be breathtaking. I guess you did smell the odor when you looked and was told it is only on the days the manure is spread ? If it’s raining, wet or humid it will stink. If it’s a nice day with the wind blowing in your direction it will stink. There will be days when it doesn’t stink but those days are few. When they don’t spread the manure the fans in the building pulls the smell outside. We chose not to buy anything available within 8 miles of the poultry farm. Hope my reply helps.
Oh WOW ! I just looked at your map. There’s 4 large buildings and they look fairly close to the street. The place I mentioned had 1 large building and was set much further from the road. I would not want to live there.

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