Props to the HovaBator Genesis 1588 w/automatic turner!

My 1588 w/ turner and fan has always given outstanding hatch rates. The temperature was calibrated perfectly and the hygrometer was about 3-5% off. Out of the box it hatched 47/50 bobwhite eggs and usually I get 100% hatch rate (after removing infertile eggs)

Right now mine is full of RIR replacement stock and a few sebright eggs for variety.
The GQF web site has the shake down type and a few other instruments listed on their site. I am thinking about trying the egg shaped thermometer since my incubators all detect temp from above and so does the HG1588 if I end up buying it.

Anyone try that one or have one they like especially?
I just ordered 2 of the egg shaped thermometers from GQF

I have a long tubular glass covered candy thermometer in my kitchen drawers that I can use...
and will be looking for glass baby thermometers at the local thrift store
How may days in advance of setting do you all get the incubator running? Two days? Three? this will be my first time using it, so I am trying to think ahead!
I have sometimes cheated and turned the incubator on just a day ahead. I honestly feel that 2 days is better and 3 is best.

Right now... after more than 10 years hatching from an incubatyor...I have 2 empty incubators running to check the temp and humidity...
and this is the 3 day for both.
Oh. I...uh....turned it on maybe 6 hours in advance of setting the eggs. Made sure humidity and temp were consistent.
Oops. Seemed to work ok all three times, though!
If you know your instruments are reading correctly there is no need to go beyond 12-24 hours. It helps to put a little home thermometer if you want to check for temp spikes. Once everything in the incubator reaches the incubator temperature it will be stable and nothing could theoretically change by waiting 2 more days.

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