Pros and Cons for using sand

I have read a couple of threads about sand now and do have a question. My husband and I have built a chicken tractor which is 41x52. My husband feels that pine shavings would make the best bedding. I am uncertain. After reading how clean sand is, I would love to put sand down on the floor of the "coop"/of our little tractor, but I know it is heavy. We want to be able to move the tractor all over our acre of land. Our tractor is built on a garden cart. Here is the link to it:

So, the question is: should we go ahead and use pine shavings or do we go ahead and put a 2" layer of sand inside the "coop"/tractor, even though it would be heavier to move? How much extra weight do you think the sand would add? Our chickies will have an outdoor run with grass, but there is no place for them to take a dust bath, inside or out, unless we put out a large pan with sand in it.

I really like the idea of using sand inside the tractor, then the chickies would have a place for their dust baths and it would be easier to clean the poop. BUT, I don't want a really heavy tractor that we have to grunt and groan every time we move it. I would appreciate any input you can give me.

I think that your post shows exactly why we all need to do what is the best for us wherever we may live and works the best for us.

I think that you answered your own question. Why would you want to move a heavy tractor, grunting and groaning to do it?
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I totally disagree. I have sand in my run and I clean it like a kitty liter box. And it's dry in the winter. in michigan

I agree. I have sand mixed with PDZ in my coop. Spread a bag of PDZ over the sand. The hens soon have it thoroughly mixed in. I have attached a super-size kitty litter scoop to a piece of PVC to provide a longer handle. Each morning I scoop out the droppings. Takes about two minutes. Drains well; has no odor; and is the cleanest coop I have ever had.
x2....however i need to find the super sized kitty litter scooper....hahaha
I put sand in my 64 sq' run attached to the coop. In the coop, I use pine shavings for the nest boxes and floor. I also have a tractor run that I herd the hens into and push around the yard. The end of the day, I bring the tractor run back to the coop. The hens then run around the sand run and then into the coop.

What do you think?
Sounds like a winner to me. My neighbor uses redwood shavings, Said they keep pests away? I don't know for certain if that works.
I put sand in my 64 sq' run attached to the coop. In the coop, I use pine shavings for the nest boxes and floor. I also have a tractor run that I herd the hens into and push around the yard. The end of the day, I bring the tractor run back to the coop. The hens then run around the sand run and then into the coop.

What do you think?

It sounds like a great plan to me.
OK so I see this debate about sand and it amazes me how adamant people can get about it. I first read about sand from the chicken chick and then researched it because it sounded great to me...really only read one serious article against it, but the argument didn't hold much weight for me or my sister who has raised chickens forever. She doesn't use sand but she also doesn't hand feed her chickens each their own. I am using sand and the chooks love it they find worms etc and it is staying dry even here in the rainy Willamette valley. I use a dog pooper scooper I got from wilco With A little rake and dust pan like hopper. When I go play with the birds I do a cursory scoop and put it in the hopper and dump it every day or so. No smell no messy feet...hubby is neat freak Ocd and he loves it too.
I agree with all you said. It has worked for me and my wife no longer gets angry when I previously dragged dirt (clay) into the doorway of the house.
I meant birdie feet clean, but same for people too I guess
OK so I see this debate about sand and it amazes me how adamant people can get about it. I first read about sand from the chicken chick and then researched it because it sounded great to me...really only read one serious article against it, but the argument didn't hold much weight for me or my sister who has raised chickens forever. She doesn't use sand but she also doesn't hand feed her chickens each their own. I am using sand and the chooks love it they find worms etc and it is staying dry even here in the rainy Willamette valley. I use a dog pooper scooper I got from wilco With A little rake and dust pan like hopper. When I go play with the birds I do a cursory scoop and put it in the hopper and dump it every day or so. No smell no messy feet...hubby is neat freak Ocd and he loves it too.
EXACTLY my experience!!

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