proud mom! (autistic son) pic added page 3

Its so wonderful to celebrate their triumphs, and I'm so happy to hear your son is speaking! That's so wonderful!

I have three children with Aspergers to one degree or another, and five without. One other daughter has some peculiarities, and prefers to walk on her tip-toes like the other aspies, but doesn't really seem to have any other aspie like tendencies.

Its lovely to be able to share their victories with others who understand how important they are to us!
Thank you for sharing your stories and putting a smile on my face! I work as a speech therapy assistant in our public middle school and although I don't work with the autistic children myself, I'm frequently in the room when my coworker does. They just amaze me.
here are a couple pics of him
at christmas

just a few weeks ago-he's got mischief in those eyes

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My Daughter was a toe walker too.. it is a hard habit to break-- but if you tell EVERYONE to tell her when she's doing it, it gets better... tho will ALWAYS jump back in during times of stress...

Be SURE you have her do hamstring stretches EVERY DAY... My hamstrings and calf muscles are too short, as are our daughters-- due to toe walking until after the age of 10.... and it can be painful-- and makes your calves bigger than normal-- so boots or slim-cut jeans are out of the question!
What a lovely boy! I see one of those million miles of smiles!

I have a little that can get into your heart like that with his smile - Paul - 8 years old - with some "autisitic traits" - and mild special needs including speech and developmental delay.

What a neat story, about the cute shirt - the things that make milestones in their lives - that seem so simple in some peoples lives - but are huge in our childrens! Like words....

I remember being able to figure out what "Ow-floss" meant...we struggled and struggled over why Paul was so tickled about "Ow-floss"....what the heck....then we saw him! Santa Claus!! Whoo Hoo!! (We got Paul shortly after his 3rd birthday)

Thank you for sharing your cutie!
What a handsome boy! He has grown so since I saw him last summer!

Krista, kudos to you for getting him identified and treated at such an early age! So many parents are in denial of their children's challenges. As you know, with Autism, early detection and treatment does impact a child's outcome and prognosis.

One of our childen has Aspergers. He is adopted and came to us a week shy of his 2nd birthday and said only 3 words. "Go" "car" "mom". It was very, very hard for him (aND US!) to have no communication as a toddler and preschooler. Today he still has a slight articulation impediment, however he has fantastic language skills. He is still socially awkward, but he is typically a happy, amazing boy.

Keep up the great work with your very special youngster.

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