Proud to announce: Official Team BYC on Etsy

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Are you guys familiar with BNS/BNR treasury lists? If not, I'll be glad to explain. I'm going to be making our first BNS/BNR treasury list. Half of the members will be from TeamBYC and the other half will be from an established team that I'm a part of. If you are interested in being a featured seller in this BNS/BNR, please let me know. Having some lower price items in your shop will help. There is almost a guarantee that you will make a sale from this. The important thing is that you help me promote it.

Being in the first BNS/BNR for us would be great for you - because it won't cost you anything! Generally, you need to buy into these treasuries to participate.

Please let me know if you have any questions.
Ok. It can be a little confusing at first and I'm still very new to them, so if anyone has any questions at all after I'm done explaining - please don't hesitate to ask.

First of all, you'll need to know what a Treasuy List is. A treasury list is a group of items that are featured in a large selection. When you open up Etsy, you'll see a treasury list on the front page each time you sign on. As a member of Etsy, you can make however many of these lists as you want. Generally, they will have some sort of a theme. Here's an example of one I made . The more popular the treasury list is, the more exposure it gets and it turns into a snowball and is good for everyone involved. Here is the link we have in our team for TeamBYC treasury lists in case you'd like to make one of your own for the team .

So a BNR/BNS is a special treasury list that is made up for the sole purpose of generating sales and exposure for shops. When you find one of these treasury lists, you have to buy something in order for your shop to be featured either in the current treasury list or on the next round (basically the next treasury grouping). What's the difference between the two?

BNR= Buy and Replace

BNS= Buy and Stay

When you are visiting a BNR treasury list, you purchase the item. Then - an item from your shop will replace what you purchased.
When you are visiting a BNS treasury list, you purchase an item and then your shop will be entered into a queue to be featured in the next round. The shop you purchased from will stay on the current treasury.

There are all different rules involved that each treasury curator makes up. For instance - sometimes there's a minimum buy in. Sometimes this buying will or will not include shipping. Sometimes you have to "CALL OUT IN CAPS" the shop you want to purchase from and get permission to do so before buying anything. Sometimes you have to purchase the item listed for the purchase to count - and other times you simply have to purchase from the shop (not necessarily the specific item in the treasury list.) Sometimes there will also be raffles and prizes given. Usually, each shop will also offer a discount code for those people participating in the BNS or BNR. Those will usually be listed in the comments on the front page.

BNS lists can go on for many many many rounds.

It helps to promote the BNR or BNS that you are in by being present during the sale. Sometimes they will run an entire day, an entire weekend or will run for specified times listed in the rules. Usually, the status of the sale will be in the title of the treasury.

SO.... if it helps those visual learners, I'll post an example. This is a BNS treasury list I participated in last night:

If you look at the description, it will tell you that at the moment I'm typing this, the BNS is paused. This means that it will resume at a later date but the curator decided to take a break. Etsy was very slow yesterday and today (many folks think it is because of the storm.) I bought into this BNS by purchasing things from two shops. I bought enough in the dollar rules (see the first page) to qualify for 8 spots in future rounds. YES, I have a yarn addiction. So sue me!

In this particular BNS, the shipping did count toward the total dollar amount. I did not have to "call out" before purchasing. My shop will be featured in the next round and then I'll have an opportunity for more views in my shop and a good possibility that someone will purchase from me. If they purchase from me, they will be buying in to having their shop featured and they'll get a really cool item in the mail because I don't make anything except for cool items. lol.

If you also check out that BNS, you'll see that there are a TON of comments. These sales turn into a big social gathering and many of these people know one another. It's very friendly and nice to meet new people with a common Etsy interest.

When I make this list - people won't have to buy in for the first round (which is great!) If anyone wants to do anything for a giveaway, let me know. I may give away a scarf of something! We'll see.

If anyone has any questions or if you want me to clarify something better - let me know.
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