PSA: Close your coop door!

So glad you found them! How did you teach them to come to you and follow the light?
Because I am a sucker that beings them treats several times a day and call them over to get them. I love to see them run like little maniacs lol.

I always felt a little guilty for spoiling them rotten, but I no longer see it as spoiling, I see it as teaching a valuable life skill-- following the voice!
Good for you rounding them all up-so scattered! I too wonder Why they would go out in the dark!?
Anybody got a theory?
They can see the ultraviolet spectrum so they see the sun coming up waaaay before we do. Same reason roosters crow in the dark or at least seemingly dark to us. So they probably got triggerd but still couldn't see well enough to manage, plus rain confusion and all that.:)
@Dona Worry , i'm so glad everyone is fine..well except for your nerves! When I lock up I look at and touch every door and verbally say "locked". It is a really rainman thing to do but it helps me to not forget.:)
Because I am a sucker that beings them treats several times a day and call them over to get them. I love to see them run like little maniacs lol.

I always felt a little guilty for spoiling them rotten, but I no longer see it as spoiling, I see it as teaching a valuable life skill-- following the voice!
So sweet how they came running to “mama” to save them:love... I am so happy everyone is alright! I would be sad not to hear anymore Nardole adventures!!
My sister has suspected borderline OCD but her trick for remembering that she closed and locked the door is, she will do a funny dance after locking the door.
Then later, instead of freaking out wondering if she locked it or not, she remembers her dance and knows the hens are safe :)
They can see the ultraviolet spectrum so they see the sun coming up waaaay before we do. Same reason roosters crow in the dark or at least seemingly dark to us. So they probably got triggerd but still couldn't see well enough to manage, plus rain confusion and all that.:)
@Dona Worry , i'm so glad everyone is fine..well except for your nerves! When I lock up I look at and touch every door and verbally say "locked". It is a really rainman thing to do but it helps me to not forget.:)
This was at 4:30 in the morning, a good 2 hours before sunrise. Plus, in heavy rain. I don't know why they would leave the coop like that!
Im so so glad your birds are safe and sound! I wasn't so fortunate. Left the pop door open one night...just one night. And in the morning found my favorite hen dead in the corner of the run, my other favorite gone in a trail of blood and feathers. My flock missing feathers and very upset and nervous. They haven't been the same since. Im so glad your lesson was learned more gently than mine was.

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