
Not heartless, I care very much for my birds and animals. But what i'm saying is if your rooster's going to be paralyzed for the rest of his life, Unable to move, forage and roost with other chickens, scratch around with like a normal happy chicken would, Then I would just put it out of it's misery. He wont be able to be housed with other chickens, So he'll be depressed and lonely, and unbelievably bored sitting in a plastic tote all day and night.

I understand sometimes people have large flock usually cull for prevention it's maybe cruel even for me too but people who have flock contain 40-50 birds don't take risk
After reading through this entire thread I’d like to my opinion.

Yes. I understand the cultural differences and the challenges of language.

Yes I understand the ease with which we here in the USA and many other countries can drive ourselves to a feed store and purchase everything we need to feed and care for our flocks.

This is not the case for this BYC member.

And @Humaira , our friend, she is a young member.

We all have to take all of that into account.

My background was in both human AND animal medicine.

I am also a mother.

Dear @Humaira , what do you parents think should be done for your bird?

I think you are dealing with a very serious underlying disease process here.

I have many doubts that he will survive no matter what you try to do to cure him, but I would be willing to try for a few days.

First I would try to get him upright, if you can fashion some type of sling to support him to aid in digestion and more importantly, so that he does not aspirate water into his lungs.

Aspiration pneumonia will kill him surely.

A sling, or at least propping him upright may also calm him so that he’s not fearful from being unable to move.
I would guess that a bird in this position would revert back to their natural instincts and feel vulnerable to prey.

I would then try to acquire some soft healthy foods such as cooked egg to see if he will willingly eat. DO NOT feed onions!

*tube feeding is not an option here in my opinion.

Sometimes when an animal is terminally ill they will refuse food and just want to sleep. This is just a fact.

If the animal has the vigor to recover they will try, if tempted with foods they like, but forcing him to eat is dangerous- again because it can be aspirated into the lungs.

His color is alarming.

I would assume that he is lacking in the red blood cells needed to carry oxygen in the blood. ( very low hemoglobin)

If you have any means to feed him iron rich foods -chicken livers is a good one, but I don’t know if they are available in India, I would try.

Culling, Called euthanasia here, is I understand from reading this thread, something that you are not comfortable with.

My personal feelings on it is that it is a blessing that an animal owner can bestow on our small friends, if the end is inevitable and suffering will be great.

Animal doctors here are very kind as they perform this on a patient. They never take this lightly and only do it if they know that ending the animal’s suffering is a kinder act than prolonging it’s life.

This decision is yours and yours alone.

It may very well be that your bird will not recover, no matter how much you love him, because he is so very ill, so if you choose -with your parents guidance and support- to let his life end in a natural manner, I would at least make him as comfortable as possible and provide hydration, gently and often until he passes.

I am sending you hugs.

I'm very sacred for her chicken she didn't understand properly due to her age matter ..am.seriously didn't able to tell her what to do when she told me his.panting ..I was sure that he aspirated.some water As she mentioned she giving it by dropper most of the time dropper cause it I also.face it when I was learning but being an Veterinary student we learn how to do right as she's young I'm so heartbroken it's tough time for her rooster

My first reaction when I see her pet is anemia because he's pale and she admitted that he love eating garlic and oinions which is the main reasons for low hemoglobin .

Also she says that he have some snoring sound of mucus (Respiratory INFECTION)

Only Medicine & vitamins can cure nothing else ..we are lucky to be in the capital that vet stores are here not near but we can reach in 1 hour

I'm hopeless god save her pet she love him.
After reading through this entire thread I’d like to my opinion.

Yes. I understand the cultural differences and the challenges of language.

Yes I understand the ease with which we here in the USA and many other countries can drive ourselves to a feed store and purchase everything we need to feed and care for our flocks.

This is not the case for this BYC member.

And @Humaira , our friend, she is a young member.

We all have to take all of that into account.

My background was in both human AND animal medicine.

I am also a mother.

Dear @Humaira , what do you parents think should be done for your bird?

I think you are dealing with a very serious underlying disease process here.

I have many doubts that he will survive no matter what you try to do to cure him, but I would be willing to try for a few days.

First I would try to get him upright, if you can fashion some type of sling to support him to aid in digestion and more importantly, so that he does not aspirate water into his lungs.

Aspiration pneumonia will kill him surely.

A sling, or at least propping him upright may also calm him so that he’s not fearful from being unable to move.
I would guess that a bird in this position would revert back to their natural instincts and feel vulnerable to prey.

I would then try to acquire some soft healthy foods such as cooked egg to see if he will willingly eat. DO NOT feed onions!

*tube feeding is not an option here in my opinion.

Sometimes when an animal is terminally ill they will refuse food and just want to sleep. This is just a fact.

If the animal has the vigor to recover they will try, if tempted with foods they like, but forcing him to eat is dangerous- again because it can be aspirated into the lungs.

His color is alarming.

I would assume that he is lacking in the red blood cells needed to carry oxygen in the blood. ( very low hemoglobin)

If you have any means to feed him iron rich foods -chicken livers is a good one, but I don’t know if they are available in India, I would try.

Culling, Called euthanasia here, is I understand from reading this thread, something that you are not comfortable with.

My personal feelings on it is that it is a blessing that an animal owner can bestow on our small friends, if the end is inevitable and suffering will be great.

Animal doctors here are very kind as they perform this on a patient. They never take this lightly and only do it if they know that ending the animal’s suffering is a kinder act than prolonging it’s life.

This decision is yours and yours alone.

It may very well be that your bird will not recover, no matter how much you love him, because he is so very ill, so if you choose -with your parents guidance and support- to let his life end in a natural manner, I would at least make him as comfortable as possible and provide hydration, gently and often until he passes.

I am sending you hugs.
Thank you for your words,but still I would like to cure him,I want to see him standing on his leg.My parents too guided me to kill him, but I want to try once more.
I really liked the way you tried to guide me, thank you once again.
That rooster is very anemic(he may have other illnesses as well), he needs vitamins ASAP! Where are you located? For the meantime please get him comfortable. I agree with what the others have said, try feeding him some scrambled eggs if he'll eat.

What have you been feeding him? Chickens need a specially formulated feed in order to stay healthy. Try to find some chicken pellets in your area.
Good luck, we can only hope he'll get better, but in a situation like this taking him to a vet is the best idea.
I’m not sure why Puchi is paralyzed, but he might be more comfortable in a sling. He could sit upright that way. Have you seen these? Puchi’s vent would have to be over the edge (or cut another hole) so he doesn’t sit in his poop.
Is Puchi getting weaker?


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