Puffy lump under ducks beak. Help

the one on the left still looks abnormal to me when I blow it up though
Excellent comparison!

I wonder, is the swelling in the location where the tongue attaches?

There is a condition sublingual impaction, but I don't think that's the problem here.
http://wildpro.twycrosszoo.org/S/00dis/PhysicalTraumatic/Sublingual Impaction.htm
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Gotta bump my old thread, I've just noticed that Peeper, our duck in question has these lumps under his legs and I'm terrified, does he have tumors or is this what's caused him to get sick and struggle with walking. What can I do? Please help.

Sorry for poor picture quality he was not happy about being held up.

He has one on both legs, checked under his wings and the rest of him, I couldn't see anything else


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