Puffy young RIR


5 Years
Jun 11, 2017
I have a 3 month old RIR that has been puffed up for the last few days. No sneezing or drainage and can't tell which poops are hers. Two days ago I gave her some Nutri-drench in hopes that would perk her up but it really hasn't. I have seen her peck at some crumble but she really isn't even into going for the scratch with the rest of them when I through a little in the mornings. She will usually still try to run off if I go to gab her. Obviously different breeds can grow at different rates but I got a BR and 2 Australorps at the same time and they are all bigger than her and acting fine. I got them from Tractor Supply who got them from Cackle. Not seeing any other issues in the flock other than the naked butt molter I posted about the other day.

I assuming I should separate her but then does she get any additional heat since shes alone? I really haven't had to pull a single one in the cold weather before and just don't want to do more harm then good and get her used to being warm. If I need to bring any in they usually go to my unheated mudroom. If I do bring her in what would your recommendations be for "treatment?"

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3 month old RIR that has been puffed up for the last few days

I have seen her peck at some crumble but she really isn't even into going for the scratch with the rest of them when I through a little in the mornings.
Can you post a photo of her poop?
How long have you had her?

Check her crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drink to make sure it's emptying overnight.

You may also want to consider treating her for Coccidiosis depending on what her poop look like. You can find Corid at most feed stores like Tractor Supply.
Dosage is 1 1/2 teaspoons Corid powder or 2 teaspoons of 9.6% Corid liquid per gallon of water.
Give for 5-7 days - make sure this is the ONLY water available during that time period. Mix a fresh batch at least once a day.
Been crazy busy here but she ended up passing away the day before Thanksgiving. I still think she had something defective internally but I will very much so be keeping an eye on the rest of the flock.

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