Pullet lethargic


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Harrison Bay, TN
Hello, I have a 6 month old pullet Ameraucana who is sick. First I will have a lead up: Two weeks ago I left town for 4 days. During that time my flock of 18 was locked up in their coop and yard. The coop is big enough for 30-40 birds. Pleanty of room to chase each other around. Everyday someone came to feed, water, and collect eggs. But I didn't want them running around the yard when no one was home to watch them. Anyway, a few days after I came home I noticed a couple sneezing/coughing. The same day I got back the results from a fecal on my kennel kept puppy. She had round worm eggs only found in fowl. Just passing thru no problem for the pup. Yea don't ask how she got them ;-P So I worm my flock that night with Waswine or something close. The chickens perked up but some still had a cough. After the 2 week void of discarding the eggs and watching the chickens, still some sneezed/coughed. I'm not too surprised with all the rain and they where running around soaked for 3-4 days. The pen flooded but coop was still nice and dry. So yesterday the first nonsoggy day, I cleaned them out and put antibotics in the water. Not sure of the name the yellow package stuff. I put about 800mg- 1 gram per gallon. I kept them locked up till noon to make sure everyone got a drink. This evening as I was changing out the med water and fresh feed. Everyone come running except 1. I looked around and found her a few feet away tring to walk. He took a few steps then would lay on her side. I picked her up she was light, all the fluffy feathers I didn't see she lost weight. I looked her over no broken bones or cuts. She had some dirt on her beak so I cleaned that off. I looked at her vent. There was poop stuck to the feathers but vent was clean. I looked at the nose, it was dry. I smelled the nose no fowl odor. I looked in her mouth everything looked normal. I put her on one hand and held her and she just laid there. I held her and moved her around her head was upright never was floopy. She did keep closing her eyes as if she was just sleepy. I put her in the coop next to the water and feed. She did stand up to drink But before she got her fill the trouble making rooster jummped her and was tring to mount her. I grabbed him he had a beak full of feathers. He now lives in a chicken tractor. My main rooster was going crazy. So, as I finished with him I came back Cookie was just laying on her side by the water and feed bowls. I closed up the coop closed the window so no draft and hoping for the best tonight. In the morning if she isn't any better I plan to bring her in with the heat lamp and yogurt. So any idea of what I'm up against? I hate to lose her she is a nice girl very pretty and so close to laying her first eggs. I hope this isn't the fate for the rest of them. Thanks
Poor thing!

I would separate her from the rest for now and bring her inside to monitor her. Give her some yogurt, make sure she has fresh food and water, give her some scrambled eggs too for nutrition. Poultry vitamins and a little Gatorade should help to perk her up. Not sure what is wrong but maybe she got bullied away from the food?
Thank you! This morning she came out with the rest of the chickens. However, She has a bad limp. So... she is now in my house in a cage with a heat lamp, food and antibotic water. Left over oatmeal is to come next. I didnt see any or feel any broken bones. I too think the rouge rooster was too rough while she was not feeling great in the first place. I have 2 rooster a huge splash maran who the ladies love and follow everywhere. And an Ameraucana who is a jerk to the ladies when LaMars back is turned. So to fix this I put Greedy in the chicken tractor. The only reason I am going to keep him is for the blue egg gene he carries for next seasons babies. He is big and great colors but not nice. He will be looking for a new home this spring lol.

As for the other chicken the antibotics seems to have picked them up.
Update: After 3 days of antibotics heat lamp and in my house getting hand fed yogurt and oatmeal as well as regular food Cookie did not make it. It was a dog attack, it was harder on her than I knew. I was hoping it was just a strain. I lost 2 others Saturday in that attack. They will be missed. Prissy my Black Copper Maran the most. It's hard to find french standard BCM with good genes in my area. Now I'm down to 1. Think the rosster misses them the most lol. The first day all 3 where missing he crowed a long time at night waiting for them to come home. So the next day I found him 8 more girls Arancana's to look after. So I will end up with Olive Eggers next year!
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I Go with this, also check 4 worms, and give her some Roast, it really boost energy. take her to vet if she don't get better in 2 days

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