Pullet loss


6 Years
Mar 21, 2013
SW Virginia
In November, I bought a dozen 2 week old chicks; 3 each Olive Eggers, New Hampshires, Welsummers, and Mottled Javas to replace an aging flock of Buff Orpingtons and Welsummers that had quit laying. The pullets have been in the outdoor coop for about a month, and allowed in the run for the past two weeks. This week, I have lost two of the Mottled Javas to a Red Tailed Hawk. After the first loss, I spent an afternoon putting a 7 foot high tent of bird net over the run, secured to the top of the 4 foot fence with zip ties. The gaps in the top were tied together also with zip ties. This evening when I went out to secure them in the coop for the night, the second Java's body and a pile of feathers were there and the hawk was frantically trying to get out of the net, finally just flying through it. The last Java, panicked under the raised coop. The other pullets all inside the coop already. Do hawks favor white or mottled pullets or is it a coincidence? I was going to put up a dog run for them in the spring, but may have to do it now with a fencing top on it.

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