Pullet or Cockerel, last time I promise!


10 Years
Sep 1, 2010
These three were straight run, leghorn Ameraucana cross.

They are about 13-14 weeks now? I don't know exactly. So they are kind if skittish and hard to get pictures of!

#1 Pure white with (it looks like) the beginnings of puffy cheeks.

#2 white with buff coloring, puffy cheeks

#3 beautiful wheaten (?) coloring, I have a feeling this one is a too based on saddle feathers. He is sooo hard to get pics of. I know he is next to a for sure Leghorn roo in both pics.


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Hmm...they kind of all look like boys to me, but I could be wrong. #2 may be a pullet, but then that is quite a bit of red in its face...by now you should see some spur growth if they are though, so try to have a look at their legs - although keeping in mind that pullets can have tiny spurs as well, but they are much, much smaller and would be the tiniest little bumps in comparison to what a cockerel would have.
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Really? All roosters? When I've asked before people said that the white/buff one looked like a girl. Dang, I was hoping for another green/blue layer.

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Yes it's a 5 gallon bucket with nipples on the bottom. :)

I am really hoping that at least one of these is a girl...I'm losing hope!
Number one is questionable..I think number two is a girl. :) She's quite pretty. Just going by the red in the coloring of the third photo..it's probably a cockerel. Has that leghorn crowed? Can't see the tail feathers..need a side view. The girls get pretty big combs!! Here is one of my girls from the past. Peeking in the back door wanting a treat. Along with a sex link or RIR..can't tell or remember now!
The leghorn for sure was a rooster. He had been crowing for a month or so, starting at 5 AM. We aren't allowed roosters within city limits so I have him to our sprinkler guy. I imagine he was ready dinner last week. I am disappointed because I really wanted a white egg layer.

The #2 chicken is he one people have said in the past is likely a girl. I am holding on to all three until I know for sure because none of them are crowing yet.

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