Pullet or Cockerel - opinion please!

wow, so that looks just like mine.. only bigger. So not only did this guy lie to me about it being a RiR and a pullet, but now it also appears that it's younger than what he told me too. nice. lol well, live and learn. So I posted on another area of this forum my next question, but I'll pose it here too: since I only have these 2 (the cockerel here and also a Java pullet) can I keep the Java and just replace the cockerel with one from a different breeder? Or do I need to have 2 from the same place to make sure they get along.. or are both in the same health? Not sure what to do now... if I need to find homes for both and just start over with a more reputable seller.
Good luck. Mine were hatched by a friend from her yardflock, so we just got what we ended up with. Which as of right now is 2, possibly 3 roosters. Depending if my baby is a rooster or not will decide the fate of the others.
Production Red hens are a cross between Rhode Island Red and New Hampshire Red.
Production Reds were bred for massive egg production (which decreases by the second year).
True Rhode Island Reds are heritage breed.
This website has a very informative thread (with loads of photos) devoted to the breed standard and history-Great reading.
CC's CoopCuties :

Production Red hens are a cross between Rhode Island Red and New Hampshire Red.
Production Reds were bred for massive egg production (which decreases by the second year).
True Rhode Island Reds are heritage breed.
This website has a very informative thread (with loads of photos) devoted to the breed standard and history-Great reading.

It's actually a little more complicated than that.

There's many people on BYC who call any red columbian hatchery-bred bird a "Production Red." Kinda like how a hatchery Ameraucana or Araucana is automatically an Easter Egger.

Hatchery's "Production Reds" are usually descended from Rhode Island Red/New Hampshire crosses, bred for eggs, eggs, eggs, and more eggs. Technically they're still Rhode Island Reds, since the New Hampshire's sole breed influence was the Rhode Island Red. "Production Red" can also be yet another name for a Red Sexlink.

Hatchery "Rhode Island Reds" ARE Rhode Island Reds, IMHO. A hatchery simply strives and breeds for practicality, i.e. efficient egg production, rather than for the APA SOP.

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