Pullet or Roo Easter egger

The baby color is off for Rhode Island Red, or New Hampshire, but on the other side Production red is not very standardized bird, so some variations can be expected.
The bird in question has single comb, yellow legs and uniform reddish plumage, which is too much far for EE.
If you got it from hatchery, or Farm store like TSC, call it Production red.
If you bought it from person, or hatched it yourself, call it mixed breed.
Will be nice looking hen anyway.
Unless it proves to have the blue egg gene. If it has the blue egg gene, I would call it an Easter Egger no matter what it looks like. (Blue egg gene would make it lay blue or green eggs if it is a female. If it is a male, you won't know without a DNA test or test-mating which would mean raising some daughters from matings with white-egg or brown-egg hens.)

There are some Easter Eggers that look very much like Red Sexlinks or Production Reds (single comb, single comb, yellow legs, red feathers with black or white in the tail).

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