Pullet or roo - Wyandotte Boogaloo!

So, blue laced red pullet:

Splash laced red pullet:

Black laced red pullet:

And then there’s silver and gold.
Gold laced, as I’m sure you’re familiar with:

The difference between BLR and GL:

And, Silver Laced.
I think I asked the wrong question.

I know why my white one is a splash Blue Andalusian by looking at her. How can I tell by looking at this BLRW it's a splash?
It’s got the lighter blue/white. With Wyandottes splash can vary in shades a lot. But she’s lighter than a BLR. And she will have darker blue flecks, likely visible in hackles and tails.
BLR versus SLR
Wyandottes are all pullets. Leg and beak color of Bielefelder is correct. They have yellow skin. Although not APA recognized, I did see this description posted as the "standard."

Beak: strong; medium-length; yellowish horn-colored.

Perhaps it's a proposed standard, perhaps it's from another country but either way, nothing wrong with her beak color! :)

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