Pullet or roo


Crossing the Road
7 Years
Apr 3, 2017
My Coop
My Coop
I ordered 1 light brahma in the mail and a few other breeds, and they gave me an extra light brahma, so i dont know if they sexed it. Is 7 weeks now and need some advice.


Thanks, I think you are right. I thought it might be a roo because compared to my other brahma her waddles and comb are larger, and her legs are thicker. And I also heard that somebody ordered all pullets once from the same hatchery and they gave them an extra chick and it was a roo.
at this point, it looks pullet... but, of my 5 brahmas I thought I had one roo... now over half I think are probably roos.. and they're now 13 weeks. I have come to the conclusion that I need to wait for crowing and eggs before I know for sure if I have pullets or cockerels. At least with these guys.

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