Pullet with bubbly eye


In the Brooder
Nov 8, 2018
i have 4 pullets that I got 3 weeks ago when they were 16weeks. 2 Rhode Island Reds and 2 ameraucanas.
A few days ago, I noticed one of the ameraucanas just didn’t look as healthy as the other girl. I couldn’t put my finger on it but she looked scrawnier and less shiny. The next day she had a bald patch and started being anti social and not into the treats. I thought the others were pecking at her.
Today she had some red sores around her eyes and they were totally glossed over and bubbly. I found another bald spot by her neck.
Immediately I separated her but now and unsure of what to do.

I wasn’t planning to take to the vet. We just got her and she’s not laying yet. I would like for her to get better and return to her coop but wondering what the long term effects will be if it’s a respiratory thing.

I have small children and my biggest priority is making sure they don’t catch anything weird.

Any advice? I’ve only kept chickens for 3 weeks and need some help. Thank you!!!
Can you post some photos? The eyes, the chickens, the bald spots, your housing, the poop, etc.?

Without seeing photos, it's hard to know - sores around the eyes with bald spots(?) is she being picked on, has she been pecked in the eye, could be fowl pox or even a respiratory disease - any of these are possibilities that come to mind.

Do you notice if she has any discharge from the nose, coughing or sneezing?
It looked like she had been pecked in the eye. And then the next day the bubbles appeared. Here are some pics of the house, chickens eye (with the red spot). I will get another pic later she won’t let me in to get pic of eye but it’s swollen shut. No discharge but doing this thing with her beak like she’s eating the air. I just cleaned their coop yesterday but all looked ok. I compost their poop, could this have been bad for my compost pile? I threw it in before the bubbles appeared.

Can you post some photos? The eyes, the chickens, the bald spots, your housing, the poop, etc.?

Without seeing photos, it's hard to know - sores around the eyes with bald spots(?) is she being picked on, has she been pecked in the eye, could be fowl pox or even a respiratory disease - any of these are possibilities that come to mind.

Do you notice if she has any discharge from the nose, coughing or sneezing?


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the vet said avian pox and to administer 3cc nuvisan in feeder to other birds as well.

Just went out to the coop and the other ameraucana has some hat looks like a wart abover her eye. Should I remove her?

I should also add our next door neighbor has tons of wild chickens and roosters which is where I think they contracted it (even though they haven’t left the coop yet). What should I do moving forward?


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I agree, it does look like Fowl Pox.
Most of the time it will resolve itself but since it's around the eye and it's bubbly, it's good that you had a vet take a look at it.
I'm not sure what Nuvisan is?

The Fowl Pox will probably work it's way through your flock, so it's up to you whether or not to isolate her or not.
Fowl Pox is transmitted mainly by insects like Mosquitoes, so depending on where you live, that is likely where the Pox came from. Once birds recover from Fowl Pox, they usually will not get it again since they build resistance.

Here's some reading for you https://the-chicken-chick.com/fowl-pox-prevention-treatmen/

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