i have 4 pullets that I got 3 weeks ago when they were 16weeks. 2 Rhode Island Reds and 2 ameraucanas.
A few days ago, I noticed one of the ameraucanas just didn’t look as healthy as the other girl. I couldn’t put my finger on it but she looked scrawnier and less shiny. The next day she had a bald patch and started being anti social and not into the treats. I thought the others were pecking at her.
Today she had some red sores around her eyes and they were totally glossed over and bubbly. I found another bald spot by her neck.
Immediately I separated her but now and unsure of what to do.
I wasn’t planning to take to the vet. We just got her and she’s not laying yet. I would like for her to get better and return to her coop but wondering what the long term effects will be if it’s a respiratory thing.
I have small children and my biggest priority is making sure they don’t catch anything weird.
Any advice? I’ve only kept chickens for 3 weeks and need some help. Thank you!!!
A few days ago, I noticed one of the ameraucanas just didn’t look as healthy as the other girl. I couldn’t put my finger on it but she looked scrawnier and less shiny. The next day she had a bald patch and started being anti social and not into the treats. I thought the others were pecking at her.
Today she had some red sores around her eyes and they were totally glossed over and bubbly. I found another bald spot by her neck.
Immediately I separated her but now and unsure of what to do.
I wasn’t planning to take to the vet. We just got her and she’s not laying yet. I would like for her to get better and return to her coop but wondering what the long term effects will be if it’s a respiratory thing.
I have small children and my biggest priority is making sure they don’t catch anything weird.
Any advice? I’ve only kept chickens for 3 weeks and need some help. Thank you!!!