Pullets needed in N.Y., Suffolk County

Well from what I can see they look real nice & yes a little conditioning always helps... I see what looks like a Barred Rock too? Nice.
We went there to buy 4 australorps but my hubby really liked the Barred Rocks. So we compromised and got 2 and 2.
I could see why he'd want a couple of Barred Rocks their a beautiful bird, that's winter hardy & duel purpose and plus they're friendly.
Well our new birds are adjusting but they freaked out when they saw my dogs. We raised our other chickens from a couple days old and I guess I took for granted how accustomed they have become to the dogs. I'm hoping these girls adjust as well. I just felt bad for them. One of my dogs walked over to their enclosure and they FREAKED. My dog on the other hand was curious for a sec then was like "oh more chickens" and walked away.
Integrate the flock last night...the dominant roo didn't let anybody out of the coop for a couple hours this morning Got home about an hour ago and they are all running around their run. We usually let them freerange but we are keeping them in the run for a couple days so the newbies get used to their new home. They all seem to get along so far. It was nice to see them all together. Tomorrow I'll post some pics.
Well by this afternoon everyone was getting along really great. It was nice to see. I am very excited.

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