Pullets not laying


Jun 12, 2018
Hello there! I got 3 pullets in June that hatched April 18. They’ll be 28 weeks old on Halloween. My Spotted Sussex, Dottie, began laying 2 weeks ago. The others, an Easter Egger and a Welsummer, still aren’t laying. Due to the advancing shorter and shorter days, should I expect them to lay at all before spring? And will Dottie continue to lay over this first winter?
Your two other pullets should start soon and should continue to pay at a decreased rate through winter. Production will begin to increase in early spring. What are you feeding them? Keeping them on a grower is best. Switching to a lower protein layer too soon will slow down maturity.
Have a light come on at 4:30am and go off around 9 or 10am will help increase daylight hours and could help them start laying. Ive had some ameraucana pullets who should of started laying in fall not lay at all until spring with no supplemental lighting.
Have a light come on at 4:30am and go off around 9 or 10am will help increase daylight hours and could help them start laying. Ive had some ameraucana pullets who should of started laying in fall not lay at all until spring with no supplemental lighting.
Extra lighting only works on older hens. First year pullets starting up is based on maturity not increasing light.
Extra lighting only works on older hens. First year pullets starting up is based on maturity not increasing light.
7 months is should be about mature enough if they arent already. Extra lighting will help keep up egg production once they begin laying. Without enough daylight pullets can be postponed until the next spring before they begin laying, I'll had it happen many times.
7 months is should be about mature enough if they arent already. Extra lighting will help keep up egg production once they begin laying. Without enough daylight pullets can be postponed until the next spring before they begin laying, I'll had it happen many times.
And I've never had it happen. :confused: Mine always start laying between 5-8 months of age regardless.

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