Pullets Not Roosting


In the Brooder
Feb 22, 2015
My 8-week old pullets would rather huddle together and sleep in a corner of the coop rather than use the roosting bar. I made the roosting bar from a 2 x 4" and it has been installed at a modest height above the coop floor. The entire coop is approximately 30" off the ground for ease of cleaning, and I am wondering if the hens sense the elevated nature of the coop and prefer not using the roosting bar. Any thoughts?
Have you tried setting them up onto the coop once it is dark? I don't remember when my year old hens started roosting, my 6 week old littles are still floor sleeping too. They will get it eventually.
Yes - I have set each one on the roosting bar and they jumped off. I am fine with them not using the bar as long as they don't use the nest boxes to sleep in once they are installed.
Mine are about the same age and they still sleep huddled in the corner on the coop floor. At times during the day if they're inside the coop I'll see them on the roosting bar or poop board edge but the times I've checked after dusk, they're always on the floor.
Mine are right at 7 weeks and just started sleeping on the roost bar the past few nights when I turned the light off for the first time.

well three were up there at first and the little golden sex link was on the floor under them, but I didnt want her to get pooped on so I picked her up and put her on the bar and she stayed and scooted down to stay close to the others
each night since she has been up on the rod with the others right at dusk.
Mine were 9 weeks when they would roost by themselves. I started to wonder the same thing as you but just give it time, they will roost when they are ready. You can try to put them on the roost after dark to get them used to it. We had to do this with 1 of my 4 as she could not figure it out. We did name her Dory for a reason.

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