Pullets or Cockerels - Lavender Orpingtons


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 21, 2014
I have two 6 weeks old Lavender Orpingtons. One has a strange neck tuft that fluffs up, is very cocky, will peck your hand when you reach in the brooder, watches everything, and stares down our dog. He or she is sweet once out of the brooder though.

The other is very calm and sweet all the time. Both are the biggest out of our 16 chicks which include Leghorns, Buff Orpingtons, Wyandottes, Partridge Rock, Speckled Sussex, Fayoumis, and Blue Ameraucana.

The first picture is the cocky bird and the second is the sweet one. Do you think one is a cockerel? Both? Neither? Thanks! :)

They both have rather large combs for the age, though the combs aren't red. I think that it is too young to tell what their gender is for sure, but I would lean towards them being cockerels.
They both have rather large combs for the age, though the combs aren't red. I think that it is too young to tell what their gender is for sure, but I would lean towards them being cockerels.
I agree. orpingtons seem to always give people trouble when it comes to sexing, but those combs are just too big so me to think that they could be pullets
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I am going to be beyond angry if they both end up being roosters. The hatchery is going to get a piece if mt mind. We payed for pullets which was $6 more per chick. Here is a picture of the cocky Lavender with both our Leghorns and one of our Buff Orpingtons.
I am going to be beyond angry if they both end up being roosters. The hatchery is going to get a piece if mt mind. We payed for pullets which was $6 more per chick. Here is a picture of the cocky Lavender with both our Leghorns and one of our Buff Orpingtons.
That buff Orpington has the size and color comb I would expect to see in a pullet. Are they the same age or are the lavender chicks older?
All the same age :/

I am trying to hold out some hope as we had a Barred Rock that everyone thought was a roo and it turned out to be a hen. It will make me really mad if both of our $20 chicks turn out to be roosters.
Update on the Lavenders. Pretty sure they are both cockerels. Here is a new picture of them as well as one of our Buffs.

Bigger one

Smaller one

Buff pullet

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