Pullets unable to walk, but are otherwise vigorous...


In the Brooder
Jan 4, 2023
I've had a pullet that hasn't been able to walk for the past week. I though this might've been a leg injury so I set her up in her own with some food and water.
Today I found another pullet with the same symptoms. Laying to the side and unable to get up. I tried picking her up but she always fell to her right side.
I put her in the same pen as the other injured chick.

Looking this up, I'm afraid they might be diseased. If it's Marek's, from my understanding, it's likely already infected the whole flock and they're all goners.
If it's a Vitamin deficiency, I've started trying to deal with it.

I don't have access to the specialist medicines and treatments you guys might have at the west, unfortunately. I tried feeding them some Vit B Complex made for human, nutritional info belows:

It's sold as "Timed Release" vitamins, I'm not sure whether that makes a difference...

They didn't take to it yesterday (it's got that medicine-y smell) when I mixed it with water, but I mixed it with some diced hard boiled eggs and they chowed down on it.
Some photos below, apologies for the quality as my camera lens is damaged:


The first chick when I found him splayed on the floor


Legs of the 2nd chick. I inspected them and there wasn't and obvious injury. Toes don't curl either


The two chicks laying beside each other in their pen. I check on them every once in a while to make sure they can reach their food and water

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