Pulley acting sickly.


Jun 7, 2018
So I noticed today that my pullet, Tziporrah, was acting strangely. I was gone for a lot of the day, so I didn't notice her symptoms until a couple hours ago.

• She was fine last night.
• She's really droopy; and sometimes has her eyes partially or fully closed.
• She kind of stays off by herself.
• She's not showing much interest in food or water; but I see her looking like she's trying to eat or drink some; it's almost like she can't quite figure out how to grab it, or can't quite tell where it is. She's looks around the ground and picks things up, but then she puts it back down
• She did lay an egg either really late last night or sometime today. About normal size for her.
• Her butt looks dirtier than normal

Does anyone know what may be wrong with her?

(In the second picture she's the one closest to the waterer)

Edited to add:

I noticed another pullet is acting sick too (Hazel). She is also droopy, and stands around kind of weird; but she also eats (at least snacks), drinks, and I even saw her preening herself a little.

@casportpony @Wyorp Rock @Eggcessive

Thanks in advance.


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What size is your cage and how many birds are in there total?
Have you ever had to treat for coccidiosis before?
I just checked on them and Hazel was more like her normal self (because she was angry I shined a light on her) but I don't know if she's actually healed any. Tziporrah was panting some when I looked at her but she may have just been a little too hot (she wasn't panting violently), or I may have freaked her out when I shined a light on her.

Do they free range or roam around at all, where they may have gotten into something rotten to eat?
What do you feed them?
Check their crops first thing in the morning before they eat/drink - make sure the crops are empty.
They're not free range but we feed them grass from outside of their pen, but we always get it from the same few places and they haven't gotten sick before.
We feed them a grower feed.
What size is your cage and how many birds are in there total?
Have you ever had to treat for coccidiosis before?
There's 9 birds total in that pen (two bantams). Idk the actual square footage, but at least the coop is technally too small (but we're building a bigger one).

We had birds that had some symptoms of coccidiosis, so we treated them to be safe a few months ago. But those sick chickens and these ones have never touched each other, and it's been months since they've gotten within 10+ft of each other or have walked directly on the same ground that the others have.
I just checked on them and Hazel was more like her normal self (because she was angry I shined a light on her) but I don't know if she's actually healed any. Tziporrah was panting some when I looked at her but she may have just been a little too hot (she wasn't panting violently), or I may have freaked her out when I shined a light on her.

They're not free range but we feed them grass from outside of their pen, but we always get it from the same few places and they haven't gotten sick before.
We feed them a grower feed.

There's 9 birds total in that pen (two bantams). Idk the actual square footage, but at least the coop is technally too small (but we're building a bigger one).

We had birds that had some symptoms of coccidiosis, so we treated them to be safe a few months ago. But those sick chickens and these ones have never touched each other, and it's been months since they've gotten within 10+ft of each other or have walked directly on the same ground that the others have.
I would start treatment with Corid asap.
I would start treatment with Corid asap.
The medicine won't hurt them if they don't have coccidiois, right? I haven't noticed any blood in their poop.
Would they eventually be able to get to join other birds that are temporarily separated, but on the same property?
Is it dangerous to touch or feed these birds, then touch or feed the others?

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