Pulsating butt!


10 Years
Feb 18, 2009
Have just got my very first 3 ladies (pullets) and they all seem to be laying eggs ok. We got three today! When they first started laying one of the ladies had a soft egg still connected to her bottom (on the outside), which we removed ok. We have since noticed her bottom pulsating, and she seems to always sit down when we let them out to free range. Am I being a paranoid new mother or should I be worried? We have felt her for any eggs stuck inside and there doesn't seem to be any strange lumps. Any ideas?
I don't know the answer but I am voting this 'best title' thread.

I'm real new so I don't know if she's squatting for submissive reasons or might have an egg problem...hope somebody who knows more than I do (ie: everyone on the board) comes by to answer this for you.
she may still be maturing and the mechanism isn't quite right yet... make sure she has a good diet and offer extra calcium either by offering crushed oyster shell free choice or even finely ground eggshells. Some have even used crushed Tums since they're mainly calcium carbonate.
My chickens butts pulsate too..... it's obvious to me as they have no feathers from being pecked! It's not so noticable on the fully feathered birds.
yes I thought this might get your attention! thanks for feedback - over the last few days it has lessened so she just might be adjusting to having to force something large out her butt for the first time!

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