Pumpkin Pie from your fresh pumpkins

I commented
Nice pies Ang
I have one of the neck pumpkins back in the hallway waiting to see if its ripe. I never have messed with them before, and I don't know what they look like ripe. I didn't get one stinkin' pumpkin from the others, which I really hated. I bake them, puree the pumpkin, and put it in good freezer bags. Lay them flat in the freezer and when they are frozen, you can stack them on top of each other and not take up as much room. I was watching the Today show, when Martha S. was on there, and she did her pumpkins in the oven too, but instead of cutting hers up in chunks, she cut them in half horizontially and sat them bottom side down in the pan, and the skin just popped right off when it cooled. I want to try that next time.

Does anyone ever make the pumpkin pie cake recipe? You make your pie filling, put it in a 9 x 13 pan, and sprinkle a yellow cake mix over it, melt a stick of butter and pour over. Sprinkle with pecans and coconut, bake at 350 until set. It is absolutely wonderful!!!
Do you mean a cushaw pumpkin - crook neck and green and white stripe? or the yellow pumpkins with the crooked neck?

They all pretty make great dishes.
I could've sworn I smelled pumpkin while reading that recipe! But we don't have any pumpkins in the house.... How peculiar....
WW: that sounds dee-lish! : 9

Funny story:
GF & I decided many years ago to make pie from fresh pumpkin.
Noone told us to bake/microwave/cook the pumpkin before peeling it.
OMG - it took us forever to peel the darn thing!
Then - after slaving for hours - my SO (later DH) came home, tasted it and said "What's the Big Deal? You just take some pumpkin, flour, sugar..."

we nearly hurt him.....

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