Pup date... hehe the last litter...

the vet checking is just a way of checking references. Take my co-worker. I've known her for several years and her dog Bandit is at work every day. She says that she uses the same vet that I do, but by her own admission has only been there once, 8 years ago. In the time I've known her, she has owned about 6 other dogs as well. 1 was left to die of Parvo on the back deck because she didn't want to pay for a vet visit. 1 was shot by a neighbor. 2 she gave away when the puppy cuteness wore off and the last 2 were hit by cars because she didn't want to bother confining them.

Me, I would never sell her a puppy. But how would someone know that if they didn't know who/what to ask the questions too? If you ask her, she will go on and on about Bandit and how much she loves him. And how much she wants a puppy because Bandit is getting older. What you also wouldn't know is that Bandit is severely obese and lives on a steady diet of table scraps and donuts. If not for the lunch leftovers he begs from coworkers, (she lives on the same property as our factory) Bandit would often have nothing to eat because she doesn't believe in spending her money to buy kibble.

the vet thing is just a way of checking references. I've never had a breeder ask "intrusive" questions. Just "do you actually know this person and have a working relationship with them" type questions. Personally, my vet doesn't completely agree with my vaccination schedule. I don't believe in yearly vaccines and I would expect him to tell a breeder that if they asked. Of course, I'm very upfront about that with breeders so I have nothing to hide.Other vets I've had didn't like that I fed a raw diet or that I didn't neuter until my dogs were 2yrs old. Again, though, things that a breeder would already know from me, so it would just be verification that I wasn't feeding them what I thought they wanted to hear.

thats awful.. so yeah maybe vet checking is the way to go.
3 healthy fat puppies!

1Sable girl, was breech and had a hard time getting her out
1 Tri boy, also breech but wasnt so hard to come out
1 tri girl, finally head first, pretty big

all healthy and looking great.. star is ecstatic

i manipulate the uterus. i can tell the difference in just the uterus tissue or if there is a pup in there. kinda hard to describe... she is sure happy with her 3 fat babies tho:)
Ok that makes sense. The only pups we ever had was when I was about 6 years old. Since then all of our dogs and cats have been spayed or neutered. I'm just a tad bit older now
congrats on fat and healthy babies!

SarahBeth, many breeders also do x-rays or ultrasounds to get a rough estimate on how many to expect. It's not always completely accurate, but if they saw 5 puppies and only 2 have been delivered, you know that something is wrong. You also have to watch Mama for a few days for fever and other signs that she has retained a pup.

Man, I'm glad both of mine are boys!
Ok we get it - they are cute and lovely and adorable etc etc..... but what we all really need from you is PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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