Pure Bred Chicks Quality Stock (NO Hatchery)! Light Sussex, Australorps and More

We have some sexed Lavendar Orpington pullet that hatched 8/1 I believe there are 6 they are $17/each. I also have 2 Gold Laced Wyandottes and 1 Black Australorp pullet from the same hatch. I have no Light Sussex sexed pullets available. I have 5 that hatched 8/20 of the Light Sussex but they are straight run they are too young to sex.
I would like atleast the 4 coronation chicks you have left. Pm me and we can discuss possibly buying more.
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i'm interested in silver penciled rocks, blue laced red wyandottes, and black copper marans. if i were to purchase, could i get them all shipped on the same day? if so, what would be the first available date? you can pm me, if you don't want to post comment.

thanks for your time.

hope you're enjoying your weekend.
how do i reserve the coronations and how long would it be before you could ship them out? I'm thinking id like to order 8.
I am in town and we are limited to hens, no roosters. I am looking for 4 started pullets.
Do you have four Blue Laced Red Wyandotte pullets........Want at least one blue laced..others could be black laced or splash

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