Purebred Araucana Hen


9 Years
Jan 19, 2011
Escanaba, MI
I have one purebred white Araucana hen available. She hatched Spring 2015, and came from the breeder Jamie Watters. Alas, I was supposed to get hatching eggs from the breeder's splash pen, but all birds hatched out start white and never did develop any splashes. I assume there was a mix up with the eggs. Because my focus is blue/black/splash, I don't have a purpose for this pretty (and friendly) little girl.

She is rumpless and cleanfaced. She would need to be paired with a tufted rooster in order to produce tufted and rumpless chicks. She is at point of lay and has been laying (though with winter, all birds have slowed down).

I live near Escanaba, Michigan. I do not travel downstate, so I cannot deliver. You'd have to come get her.
Potentially in the spring when my incubators show high fertility I'll have some available hatching eggs. Mating and egg laying definitely ramps up as the weather warms, plus it is a safer to ship eggs without the risk of freezing.
Hi, I'm interested in your girl. I have a mixed flock including an Easter Egger. I've been wanting a blue egg layer, but as you know, it's hard to find nice birds in our area. I live near Green Bay, but my family still lives in Menominee. I went to Bay College, I'm quite familiar with Escanaba. I'll be in the area Monday the 4th, possibly the 3rd also. Does that sound feasible? - Jill
Hi, I'm interested in your girl. I have a mixed flock including an Easter Egger. I've been wanting a blue egg layer, but as you know, it's hard to find nice birds in our area. I live near Green Bay, but my family still lives in Menominee. I went to Bay College, I'm quite familiar with Escanaba. I'll be in the area Monday the 4th, possibly the 3rd also. Does that sound feasible? - Jill

Alas I forgot to check BYC until now! I'll send you a PM :D
I have one purebred white Araucana hen available. She hatched Spring 2015, and came from the breeder Jamie Watters. Alas, I was supposed to get hatching eggs from the breeder's splash pen, but all birds hatched out start white and never did develop any splashes. I assume there was a mix up with the eggs. Because my focus is blue/black/splash, I don't have a purpose for this pretty (and friendly) little girl.

She is rumpless and cleanfaced. She would need to be paired with a tufted rooster in order to produce tufted and rumpless chicks. She is at point of lay and has been laying (though with winter, all birds have slowed down).

I live near Escanaba, Michigan. I do not travel downstate, so I cannot deliver. You'd have to come get her.
Any chance you have a TUFTED/RUMPLESS ARAUCANA ROOSTER for sale??
Any chance you have a TUFTED/RUMPLESS ARAUCANA ROOSTER for sale??
Unfortunately the OP doesn't seem to be around anymore.
Where are you located? There is a clean-faced but rumpless araucana rooster for sale in Anderson, IN. He is full brother to my rooster. He is a very nice rooster, not aggressive to people or other birds - he's even kept with his other brother in a flock of 10 hens and they do not fight.

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