Purina Layena Crumbles


9 Years
Dec 23, 2010
New to raising chicken so my question is is Purina Layena crumbles all I should be feeding my chickens. They do no free range at all they are soley coop bound. They are currently laying and average of 5 eggs per day.
Thats all they need but treats are good. Mine like scratch grains and black oil sunflower seeds.
When I feed "crumbles" (for the younger birds), I find that the darned sparrows get 1/2 the feed.

When I feed "pellets"...it is not so bad and my feed bill goes down.

Thanks for the input. I was just curious becuase my girls have been pecking at each other and at least 3 of then have missing feathers around there vents and tail feathers. And I have examined them and they dont appear to have mites.
I use Layena pellets instead of crumbles. There is nearly no waste with the pellets. I also give them some treats. However, I make sure that the pellets make up most of their diet. The treats usually consist of table scraps. I usually give them about 2 cups of BOSS nearly every day (for 34 birds). I let mine free range occasionally but most of the time they are confined to the run and coop. In the summer and fall they get lots of garden scraps. When I pull weeds in the garden I dump them in the chicken run. The chickens always love seeing the wheelbarrow coming up to the gate. Once in awhile I give them a little scratch.
If they're feather picking, that can be a sign of that they need more protein, or that they are bored. If its the former, you can start feeding meat scraps, or move to a higher protein feed. If its boredom, scratch or treats like cabbage can help.
I was just curious becuase my girls have been pecking at each other and at least 3 of then have missing feathers around there vents and tail feathers

Feather eating or feather picking can be from low protein amount, type of protein [too much plant protein and not enough animal protein], confinement [space too small], boredom, and lice and or mites.


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