Purple comb, yellow slimy poo


5 Years
Apr 9, 2018
St Louis, Missouri
My sweet girl Lacey is not herself as of last night. She's lethargic, is molting some, has light yellow mucousy poo, and has a purple comb. She is seven months old. I couldn't find her last night and was panicking when my husband found her in a nest box. However, she hasn't laid in about three weeks due to winter weather setting in. She left the nest when I disturbed her and has not laid an egg. This morning the flock was getting a little free range time, scratching around in the fallen leaves at the edge of the woods. They had enough and all went back into the run, except Lacey. She was sleeping standing in the leaves.

I have brought her in. She is eating and drinking. I'll give her some scrambled egg in a few. She enjoyed the little big of scratch they got outside this morning.

She is normally the most curious, first to run to me in the morning and likes to chase the dogs. Not interested today. I checked her over and don't see anything other than new pin feathers under her wings and the worrisome comb color.
Could all of her symptoms be due to molt?
Poor baby! I would keep her in for awhile. Giver her some nutri-drench and keep her hydrated. Hopefully she will recover from whatever is going on...... Several of my birds are molting but never have experienced these symptoms. Hopefully someone else will chime in soon.
Best wishes and lots of bear hugs to you and your sweet hen! :hugs
A couple months ago I came home for lunch and I check on all the animals. I noticed the roosters comb was purple(really purple). He came from across the run and collapsed in front of me. He was flopping around, clearly dying. I never grabbed anything so fast in my life. I started rubbing his neck and I put my finger down his throat. I do believe he was choking on something he ate that was to big, but it was an oxygen thing for sure. I gave him some Nutri drench and his color came back. I brought him to work with me. I had hard boiled eggs so I gave him that and I put some electrolytes in his water and watched him the rest of the day.

Since he is a boy I don't have to worry about him being egg bound, but maybe that's a possibility with yours?
I've gone ahead and brought her in for the night. She's fairly lethargic and is shaking her head, but there is no visible drainage. Here's a video of the head shaking. I have no idea what this could be. Should I give Tylan??
She's lethargic, is molting some, has light yellow mucousy poo, and has a purple comb. She is seven months old.

she hasn't laid in about three weeks due to winter weather setting in

I did check, and I don't feel any eggs, at least from the outside. She has already quit laying for winter anyhow.
Can you give her a soak in a warm epsom salts bath, then gently feel inside her with a lubricated, gloved finger to see if you feel an egg?
You mention that she is molting some - where is that located on her body? Could it be she is replacing plucked feathers instead of molting?

Feel her abdomen, is there any swelling, bloat or fluid? Also check her crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks to see if it's empty.
If possible get a fecal float to check for worms.
Can you give her a soak in a warm epsom salts bath, then gently feel inside her with a lubricated, gloved finger to see if you feel an egg?
You mention that she is molting some - where is that located on her body? Could it be she is replacing plucked feathers instead of molting?

Feel her abdomen, is there any swelling, bloat or fluid? Also check her crop first thing in the morning before she eats/drinks to see if it's empty.
If possible get a fecal float to check for worms.

Crop is very fill this morning, between baseball and golf ball sized, and she started eatrng again as soon as I turned the light on. I think it might be a crop problem. What to do next?
If her crop compacted, withhold food for a day or two and only give her water. Probiotics water will help too. Massage her crop, gently, every couple hours to try to move things through. I just dealt with crop issues two of my ladies over the past couple weeks. Once you get her crop cleared, only do soft foods the first day or two like scrambled eggs. If things won't move along after a day or two, you might need to help her vomit. It's a risky move as they can aspirate back in to their lungs but if it's done right, it helps.
Crop is very fill this morning, between baseball and golf ball sized, and she started eatrng again as soon as I turned the light on. I think it might be a crop problem. What to do next?

It's also somewhat squishy.
Sounds like she has a crop problem, but keep in mind that a crop issue can often be a symptom of an underlying condition like worms, coccidiosis, reproductive problems, infection or disease. Essentially something is causing the slowing down of the digestive process.

I would massage the crop to see if you can help break down what's in there. Make sure she had water, but take away the food for a little while. Smell the breath, is it sour?
I would probably start by giving her coconut oil, then massage for a minute. Then go from there.
Read the following articles and let me know which one you think it is.
Photos of her poop again may be helpful as well.

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